...Names are Unimportant...
The Worldwide Independent League of Leasable Operatives Watchers Intelligence and Spy Personnel
The planet that you and I live on... ...or, perhaps you are from someplace else. Sorry for assuming.
Remember: They're all humans. Got it?
The operation that started it all.
Brenda S. and Darius L. Nellindill, owners of a humble family plastics factory, get a surprise visit and an unbelievable offer from world-famous billionaire Ned Bevy...
Can you figure out a way to escape and save the world from litter by taking back your business from the clutches of an evil billionaire?
Can you figure out a way to escape and save the world from litter by taking back your business from the clutches of an evil billionaire? Play along and find out!
WWJD NewsRadio 316 asks listeners their opinion on billionaire Ned Bevy...
When WILLOWISP learns of a holiday heist, it's up to Someone and Constance to get to the bottom of it all. To help them out with the mission, Commander McCox has a gift for them in the form of a fourteen-year-old intern named Stewart.
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