Constance Harbor

Constantina Madeline Johnson

Never say my full name like that again! Nobody calls me that!  
-Constantina Madeline Johnson Constance Harbor

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Constance is relatively fit but often seems to become winded and tired after running at length, lifting heavy objects, or partaking in strenuous activity for extended periods.

Identifying Characteristics

Constance Harbor is a perky, young, African-American woman with light caramel brown skin and extremely dark brown hair that is ususally straightened and drawn back in a wavy ponytail. Her slim figure is enhanced with curves which she often brings attention to when wearing form-fitting clothing.
  She can easily alternate from loveable quirky charm to sensual sexy allure with a quick switch of demeanor, movement, and mannerism--even moreso with a change of wardrobe. She has the ability to remain calm in intense situations, but can also give off an air of being a damsel in distress who needs help.
  Her giggle has been described as infectious. Her bright eyes and kind smile display her friendly nature. However, when she becomes upset, her eyes can reflect a deep and furious rage that warns all who behold her to steer clear of her wrath.

Special abilities

Constance's PhD in psychology often credited for helping the agent dig deeply into the minds of others to find information, see what makes them tick, or even to break them down. She is skilled at playing mind games and being one step ahead of whoever her opponent may be. She is also very atheletic and flexible, with expert coordination and fluid movements.  
Sometimes, the most powerful weapons are the ones you wield with your mind...
-Constance Harbor

Apparel & Accessories

Constance can typically be seen wearing form-fitting clothing that showcases her sensual figure. When in professoinal dress, she often dons suite jackets and silky blouses with skirts that cut just above the knees. When wearing casual clothing, she displays a trendy fashion style that is chic and noticeable without appearing as too outlandish or overbearing.   When clad in tactical gear, she usually wears tight-fitting catsuits with color blocking and peek-a-boo sections that reveal her lower torso, busom, arns, and back.   Most of her wardrobe consists of deep reds, purples, and blacks.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Constance was born and raised in New York. She was a star student in psychology and received a "scholarship" to an elite college. Once enrolled, it was revealed that she had actually been recruited into W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P.'s secret agency.


Constance graduated highschool and was transferred to W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P.'s college to complete her psychology degree. She then went on to become a Swallow.


Constance works at W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P. as an Elite Espionage agent. She has completed advanced spy training as well as Swallow training.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Constance learned quickly, excelled at classes, and adapted quickly to the W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P. agency, becoming an Elite Espionage. Many agents are baffled by the fact that she managed to become and stay Someone Elsewood's partner Obligatory Associate for so long without being impeded by him directly or discouraged from continuing by his side due to his erratic and maniacal behaviors.  
Constance...isn't...she's just an Obligatory Associate. That's it. I told you ALL that I'd never do partners and I DON'T do partners. She's NOT my partner! More like some kind of annoying assistant who's always getting in my way...  
-Someone Elsewood, partner OBLIGATORY ASSOCIATE

Failures & Embarrassments

Every mistake is an opportunity to learn and do better next time. All memories, even the ones that hurt, are priceless.  
-Constance Harbor

Mental Trauma

Constance worked as a Swallow for a couple of years before being assigned a partner. Her first did not go well so she was assigned several more before she was paired with Sarah Shipley whom she had previously become acquainted with in classes. The two became even closer friends and accomplished many missions together until one unfortunate mishap prompted Sarah to make the ultimate sacrifice. Saving Constance and Rajiv Par (the subject they were protecting, Sarah was severely harmed. She suffered traumatic brain and leg injuries that required amputation. it is suspected that Sarah was sent to The Styrax as she was never seen again by Constance.   Though the agency told Constance that Sarah recovered from her coma and was relocated to rural Michigan to resume a normal life, the agent has her doubts because she does not have permission to contact Sarah. She often blames herself for the entire ordeal.   After the incident, Commander McCox tricked Constance into working with Someone Elsewood even after the latter voiced he did not want a partner and was benched at the time due to a mishap with Bruce Machete.   Despite all odds, Constance stuck by her new mysterious partner although their The First Mission was quite horrific for her. She threatened to abandon Someone but Commander upped her pay and pleaded that she not leave, as bad as everything was, no other person at the agency had ever gotten that close to being Someone's partner before.

Morality & Philosophy

Constance professes to be a Christian. She grew up in a Baptist home but has further expanded upon her own faith and ideals.

Personality Characteristics


At the root of it all, Constance seems to be driven by hope and love. She strives to see the good in everyone and is determined to help those around her.  
All people are puzzles just waiting to be solved. Some may be missing a few pieces, but that only means it'll take a little more effort to get the picture.  
-Constance Harbor
Commander McCox gives newbies the rundown:   Harbor is one tough cookie. She's smart. She's fun. She's hot. And, she's not one to mess around with. It was unfortunate what happened with Shipley, but once Harbor became available, I knew just who to pair her with. Even Machete couldn't handle Elsewood, but Harbor's still hangin' onto those horns.   Yeah, she's asked for one or two raises and has barged in here threatening to leave the whole agency if we make her go on one more mission with Elsewood, but I satisfy her demands every time. Elsewood has really met his match with this one and if he sticks with a partner this long, you know she musta struck a chord in him somewhere. If anyone can figure him out, it's her for sure, and I'm thinking she probably already has.
Current Status
Trying to keep Someone in line
Date of Birth
July 18th, 1997
New York
dark brown
dark brown/black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
caramel brown
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Constance knows a minimal amount of Spanish and French, but not enough to hold an advanced day-to-day conversation in either language for prolonged periods of time.
Agent Number
A romancer, paramour, or other amorous individual   -Dimi & Janet, World Anvil Summer Camp 2021


Author's Notes

Voiced in most audiodramas by Ossandra White (me).
Portrayed in most visual models by Ossandra White (me).
Photographed by Ossandra White (me) or Ossie White Jr. and further edited by Ossandra White (me).

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