Only the Haunting Nightmares


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It’s the Thirty-First of October and strange things are happening. Despite the odd occurrences, Someone and Constance are sent on a dangerous mission to catch an elusive killer. However, all is not as it seems...


Written for


Trigger Warnings

sense of dread, eeriness, possible jumpscares, mention of blood, murder, killing, death

Headphones recommended for best immersive audio experience

Starring Jon McNally as Someone Elsewood.


Featuring Ossandra White (me) as Constance Harbor, Max Dalton as Bruce Machete, Jeff Rose as Stewart Princely, and Earnest Alexander as Commander McCox.


With additional voices from Matt McClain, Lauren Breeden, and Rebecca Wang.

  Audio sounds sourced from creative commons or created by Ossandra White (me). All editing, production, formatting, and photography by Ossandra White (me). Music composed by Ossandra White (me). All editing, production, formatting, and photography by Ossandra White (me).

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