
Ravens and Swallows (also known as Songbird Spies) are very attractive operatives who seduce others, faking romantic encounters and attachments in order to accomplish assigned tasks.   Sexy and deadly, these operatives are considered some of the most powerful agents W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P. has to offer. They are able to get their way, glean information, and gain exclusive access all under the ruse of romance. Playing with emotions and taking advantage of sensual desires, Songbirds manipulate their targets, working their way into barriers that would otherwise be near impossible to overcome.   There are many instances of Raven and Swallow work at W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P.. Sometimes, a number of Ravens and Swallows will work together to target multiple persons at once, then correspond with each other to share collected intel. This line of work is not respected by all, but none deny the effecacy of this erotic espionage tactic.
Ravens are strong, bold, dark, and mysterious. This coincides with the roles of W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P.'s Raven operatives. The bird is known to have the largest brain of any species. It is seen as a symbol of intelligence all throughout history and mythology with tales of its cunning nature, problem solving skills, and seemingly divine insight. They can also be intimidating, putting up a vigorous fight to protect themselves and the things that are most important to them. Ravens are very versatile birds, having the largest range of any in its genus. They can be found all over the world in several different climates, much like the spies which are dispatched to multiple locations across the globe.  
  Swallows are light, dainty, quick, and fluid with thier movements. Their W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P. counterparts are expected to be the same. They are pretty but unexpectedly fierce, as the birds are known to attack humans and other predators who come too close to their territories. The bird is found on every continent except for Antarctica. Same is true for the agency as there has not yet been a notable instance in which there was a need to send a Swallow to the south pole.
Commander McCox gives newbies the rundown:   Ravens and Swallows. That's what you'll hear most times around here. I guess you could call them Songbird Spies to group them all together. You may see silly little birds, but W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P. sees power and opportunity. Plus, if you haven't noticed, this agency's got a plant theme going on, so the birds fit right into the trees.
Scientific Name
Ravens are known to live 10-15 years, and Swallows are known to live 4-8 years, though some have reached 16 years. The average career life of a Songbird spy lies between 4 and 16 years, on average.


Author's Notes


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Aug 8, 2023 06:47

Ah the "Fem Fatale", the "Lady in Red", the "woman that suddenly was standing in my office on a rainy day, while I was thinking of ending it all"
Every man knows they mean danger, but danger only increases the dark desire of those who encounter them...
Nice Read!

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-Worldanvils: Institutions of Learning
-Worldanvils: SUMMER CAMP
Aug 8, 2023 11:34 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

lol thanks for reading. I realize here that I didn't specify that Ravens were males and Swallows were females! I guess because I've said it in so many other places, it completely skipped my mind.

Aug 8, 2023 13:02

Oh that would have helped indeed. I guessed the differences were more of an artistic kind ^^" (and now another comment of me seems a bit more strange than meant to be XD )

Have a look at my entries for:

-Worldanvils: Institutions of Learning
-Worldanvils: SUMMER CAMP
Aug 8, 2023 13:10 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)
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