
  Cholla (pronounced choi-yuh) is a grand event hosted by W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P. that includes mental, physical, and emotional challenges all for training purposes. Cacti regularly engage in friendly combat amongst teams so that they can stay sharp and maintain their skills. Each tactical team is deployed in Loam and given a task, which often includes sabotaging, stopping, or spying on another team. The teams must protect themselves and complete their missions while attempting not to lose any members. The winner of Cholla is the group that manages to accomplish their given task first. Overall points will also be awarded or denoted for achievements, number of team members remaining, and other impressive feats performed or embarassing setbacks experienced during the competition.

The Conflict


Before partaking in the challenge, all participating Cacti teams are invited to a week-long prelude. This is optional but most groups opt in. On the first day, they are all gathered in a big house with food, fun, and partying. This is the calm before the storm. These big events are usually hosted at elaborate W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P. venues such as The Oasis and all expenses are paid by the company. On the second day, the groups split out to do some bonding with each other outside of the large assembly. After all, the teams will ultimately be competing with each other. On the third day, each individual is allowed to do their own thing in their own spaces, enjoying the scenery and relaxing a bit. After this, it is up to the Spike to determine the itenerary for the final four days. Some decide to implement a training game plan so that the team can stay on their toes, while others may allow more relaxation so that their team can be well-rested and focused, ready to charge into battle when the time is right. It is not uncommon for teams to try and meet up with opposing Cacti groups in an attempt to form alliances, or even to spy and fish for intel that can be used to overcome them in the field. Spikes may also try to study weather patterns and other island conditions so that they can be as best prepared as possible.


Loam is a dangerous island that could be considered somewhat of a desert wasteland. There are active volcanoes nearby that contribute to its volatile state. Many tummultuous natural disasters have been known to occur during a Cholla. These events do not cause the Higher-Ups to cancel or postpone the proceedings, rather one of the reasons Loam was chosen as the battlefield location was for the purpose of keeping Spikes and their teams ready for anny occurrence.


Weather on Loam is completely unpredictable. In most areas, it is barren and windswept, though there are a few spots that feature lush vegetation. It is up to the Cacti to learn how to adapt, survive, and use any adverse environmental elements to their own advantage.

The Engagement

Though the prelude is optional, the main event is not. If any one tactical team refuses to participate in the Cholla challenge, they are subject to consequences that the Higher-Ups see fit. If any one set member or team believes they have a legitimate reason for sitting out of the Cholla, they will be asked to provide proper explanation and documentation.


If a Cacti team fails the mission set, they are expected to walk away with valuable lessons and a promise to improve next time. They will not be written off, but their performance will be analyzed. All good and bad highlights will be discussed.


Ultimately, the purpose of the Cholla is to help operatives hone their skills and get better over time. Though opposing teams may be bitter with each other for a brief moment, they never hesitate to work together if need be when carrying out a real mission in the field.

Historical Significance


Most Cacti teams are very involved in the history and culture of their line of work. There are dedicated virtual channels and other chapters where members of the tactical teams meet regularly to discuss issues.   The Cholla is a common subject that is regularly brought up. Many team members like to recall their past performances, who won in certain years, and other memorable moments of the challenge. The Cholla is known for producing legends and heroes of some sort within the Cacti community. Some members who have since retired, passed, or moved on to different positions within the company are remembered through these experiences.   The competition itself is friendly, but lots of Spikes and Spines take things seriously, especially in the heat of the challenge. Things can become quite heated and competitive. Long-standing alliances and sworn enemies are not a rarity.

Technological Advancement

Though Cholla's activities mainly focus on the individual members of each group and how they work together as a team, it can also be a good exercise to help Cacti hone their weaponry skills. Many new weapons are introduced to these tactical teams throughout the year, and adding them into the mix within the Cholla challenge proves useful in breaking these in and helping operatives get used to utilizing W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P. technology.   Sometimes, Computerized Alert Relay Systems (also known as C.A.R.S.) are also flown out to the islands. These may be the tactical vans that already belong to the crew, but they can also include new vehicles with different personalities that can be seen as allies or opposition for the participants.   While most Cholla events are conducted on land, some aspects of the challenge have been known to take place in the air and on the water. On rare occasions, certain missions may even require teams to travel underwater.
Commander McCox gives newbies the rundown:   The Cholla is no joke. Have you ever watched one of those reality shows where people are on an island competing to be the last man standing? Well, imagine that but only 1000% more intense. And instead of trying to be the last man standing, there are several teams working together to make sure their group comes out on top. And if they lose a member, that's a bad thing, because the purpose of it all is to encourage cooperation and teamwork.   While this might sound like a fun bonding activity, it's scary at the same time. I'm talkin' superpowered weapons, advanced tech vehicles, high-stakes misisons, and all that stuff. These fancy little 'games' are anything but. I tell you, each operation is a mental, physical, and emotional challenge. That's one of the reasons why I respect the Cacti so much. They're tough, they're buff, they look cool, and their minds are like a steel trap. You honestly do not want to get on their bad side.   Every time I think about the Cholla, I imagine what I would do if I was a Spike. Or, heck, even just a Spine. They all have challenging jobs. While other agents do regularly participate in team opposition training, especially when they're in school and stuff, this is the most extreme and intense version I've ever seen. Sometimes, they allow us to view it on private broadcasts. For training purposes of course. But it can be so entertaining! If you're in class and you get the special treat of viewing one of these trials, you're one lucky student. Especially if the teacher lets you all get popcorn and candy and drinks. Then, dim the lights, and I'm tellin' you, you'll be in for one heck of a ride. At the edge of your seat with every turn.   I like those little caramel candies. They get stuck in your teeth and stuff, but they sure are good. As for popcorn, you can't go wrong with classic butter. You know, a slice of pizza is nice to have to go along with it. And some grape soda to wash it down. Ah. Now, I feel like a trip to the movies. What's new in the theaters these days?

Battleground Terrain
Air, Land, Sea, Mind
Battle Type
Training Challenge


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