
A Spike is the leader of a group of Spines. Together, they make up a Cacti tactical team unit. W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P. assembles and dispatches these teams when there is need for group effort.


To become a Spike, the agency must at least consider the candidate an Elite Espionage in rank. Physical and mental tests are also issued to further determine if one is fit for the position.


A Spike is usually selected from a group of Spines who are already part of a Cacti tactical team, but it is not an unknown occurrence for a previously unknown Spike to be assigned to a brand new team of Spines.   There is the option for an existing W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P. operative to apply to become a Spike, but this is a rare occurrence. When it does seldom happen, the applicants are usually told to try again at another time, due to the fact that Higher-Ups are almost always monitoring everyone and if they thought said candidate would make a good Spike, they would not have needed to apply. If the applicant does display some signs of potential, the rejection message may include steps that the applicant can take to further their learning and improve themselves enough to possibly be considered for the position in the future.


The Spikes's main job is to lead the Spines. This involves formulating and implementing a tactical plan of operation, assigning each team member a specific role, and overseeing the mission. It is crucial that each Spike has excellent communication and critical thinking skills.


Spikes must be in the midst of the action with their team, but also keeping tabs on every member. In addition, they shall also monitor surroundings and make quick judgement calls in high-stakes scenarios. These agents are responsible for the success or failure of every mission, so it is imperative that they keep their Spines in line.


Spikes are known to take home a hefty paycheck due to their burdensome duties and the fact that they consistently put their lives on the line for the organization. They have other perks as well, many centered around fitness and wellness to encourage these agents to keep up their physical and mental health in order to remain fit for their position.

Military Formation | Jul 15, 2024

WILLOWISP'S Specialized Tactical Team

Commander McCox gives newbies the rundown:   A Spike is a tough position to hold. Think of it like being a Commander like me, but only having to actually be out in the field with everybody, keeping track of your team AND the environment around you. Dang. I would fail instantly. That's why I respect these guys. Not to mention, they look pretty darn cool in their tactical gear. It wouldn't quite fit on me anyways, and I'm not exactly in shape for it either, but I could imagine taking that path here at W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P.. I picture myself a bit younger, with cool gear and all that, leading a team into battle. Like one of those cool videogames. One can dream...
Civic, Military, Generic
Alternative Naming
Cacti Lead, Tactical Team Lead
Equates to
Most Spikes are equivalent to or rank a tad higher than the average Elite Espionage agent
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