
The Cacti is a tactical team of specialized W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P. agents who efficiently accomplish coordinated tasks that require group effort. These troops are often sent into risky scenarios and tasked to correct situations when things go wrong. They may also investigate high-level threats and work to protect important people and things.



Within the Cacti stand four main groups. Each group serves a different purpose within the grand scheme of the organization as a whole.  

Golden Ball

Works internally with Base Ops who need feet on the ground to successfully accomplish their tasks. Many of these Spines are trained in technology so that they may assist if need be, but they are also very mobile to carry out tactics that Base Ops are traditionally unable to perform.  

Blue Barrel

Works internally with Super Spies and Elite Espionage agents who need backup or require a tactical team to complete an operation. Alternatively, individual Spines, or possibly a Spike, will be tasked to help bring a single dilinquent agent or a group of errant agents up to code.  

Silver Arrow

Directly assigned to assorted tasks that require staying hidden in the open public. At times, they may be dispatched in large crowds to appear as security for an event or in a more private setting such as stalking through the mountains or forest to locate wanted persons or objects.  

Red Torch

Directly assigned to military-grade combat missions, raids, assassinations, and other assaults. These may also be tasked with taking on and taking out active threats of terrorism, bombs, and other violent attacks.


Cacti have access to lots of cutting-edge technology formulated by W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P., even some devices that the average agent does not know exists. In ranking of level, Cacti are technically slightly above Elite Espionage.


Most Cacti troops are equipped with guns and other blasters, as well as shields and other bullet-proof tactical gear.


Many Cacti troops travel in what would be seen to the outside world as black utility vans. However, these vehicles are lined with state-of-the-art computers, tracking systems, and other equiment that aid the groups in carrying out any missions they may be assigned to.


Individual members are called Spines and each group's leader is referred to as the Spike. The Spike may assign other rankings to Spines, but all Spines are typically seen as equals. All Cacti report directly to Generals and other members of W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P. who many average agents consider Higher-Ups. Commanders are allowed to request their presence if needed, but they are not obligated to take on tasks unless a General or higher-ranking position designates them to.


Depending upon the division, Cacti go about their missions utilizing different tactics. Public-facing Cacti often disguise as body guards or security staff at an establishment to establish trust with those they are sent to protect (or those they have been sent to infiltrate). These members are not often called out or questioned due to their convincing outfits, commanding presence, and confident demeanor. Other teams rely on stealth to remain completely unseen. They may wear camo and use W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P. tools and technology that enable them to stay out of view.   One of the most prevalent factors that spread across all teams regardless of assignment is teamwork. All Cacti must get along well together and rely on each other in order to successfully carry out their missions.


Cacti are run through intense strength and endurance training camps. Regular exercise is mandatory for the position. To help hold members accountable, activities such as jogs and obstacle course runs are scheduled several days out of the month. This requires the Cacti to meet regularly for group training sessions. When these opportunities are attended, members receive more merit points and potential for promotion within the organization. Besides this, many soliders choose to stay fit on their own as well. The agency seems to favor those who already possess this mindset to be elected into the Cacti team.   In addition to physical training, the Cacti are also given various mental exercises and tests to make sure that they are sound. This also works to help them stay on their toes and think quickly in tough situations. No matter which area of training, Cacti exercises are not for the faint of heart.

Bruce Machete
Character | Feb 7, 2025
Commander McCox gives newbies the rundown:   The Cacti are a bunch of prettycool cats. You know Machete? Bruce Machete. He's the Spike for our districts Blue Barrel team. I remember when General Rigotto sent him my way to help protect Elsewood from himself. Listen. I know that guy was being too careless in the field, but Elsewood is Elsewood. What do people expect? When you've literally got a guy who named himself 'Someone', you know he's gonna do whatever the heck he wants to do, and he's not gonna do what he doesn't wanna do. There's only so much you can do to try and protect Someone like that...   Now, I get it. W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P. genuinely feared for his life. He's one of the best, and with his careless behavior, one of these days, he's gonna get himself killed and the agency will have one less Elite in their arsenal, but one of the things that made Elsewood so dangerous was the fact that he was dangerous. I tried to help him out by letting him pick his own partner, but he didn't want any of the people I offered him. Yeah, he was annoyed by me, but I was only hounding him because General Rigotto wouldn't stop barking my way.   Anyways, back to Machete. To be honest, he's a great guy. Talented, too. Right up there on the level with Elsewood, in my opinion. I think they could get along if Elsewood stopped being so difficult. They'd make a pretty chill team. Machete could really teach Elsewood a thing or two. He just needs to tone down that big ego of his...or whatever is getting in the way of him actually making friends and playing nice. I feel like there's more there, but we're not going to get into all that right now.   I forgot. We were talking about the Cacti, right? Yeah. That's one cool team. A bunch of cool teams. Now, what I'd be genuinely terrified of is if somehow Machete started learning something from Elsewood. He can kick butt now, but a crazy Cacti Spike is a person you don't want to mess with. Oh man. Imagine Elsewood leading a Cacti Tactical Team! That's the stuff of nightmares.   Now, I can't unsee it: Elsewood and Machete charging into battle with a group of guys equally as crazy as them both. No. No. Machete would never get behind that. If General Rigotto even thought that could be a possibility, he would have never sent Machete in the first place. He's tougher than that. Chill. Calm. Sensible. His mental training's just about on par with his physical training.
Special Forces

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Aug 23, 2024 00:13 by Marjorie Ariel

I love how you kept everything thematic, with the cacti, the spikes, and the spines. And you used the sidebar to mention Bruce specifically to show how it's a unit that protects Someone!

Aug 23, 2024 13:50 by Lexi Con (WordiGirl)

YAS! I'm so happy you noticed all that and thanks so much for reading and liking the article! <3 :)

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