
The Oasis is a luxurious resort district owned and maintained by the W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P. organization. Many of their agents are awarded trips to this location when the Higher-Ups believe they have earned it by doing a good job in the field.   Sometimes, company getaway trips are hosted here. Cacti are commonly invited here before a Cholla.


Hardly anyone actually lives at the Oasis on a full-time basis with the exception of some staff members. Most visitors, including employees, only reside at the Oasis in temporary cycles, returning to their regular living quarters after their stay has concluded.


Subtle security is prevalent all over the island. This takes the form of human guards on duty and several automated implementations. Cameras and alarm systems have been installed all over the district as well.


Though many shops, restaurants, and other paid attractions exist here, many visitors who have been awarded trips to the Oasis are given company credit cards on which to charge all expenses.

Points of interest

There are several hotspots on the island including restaurants, clubs, bars, hotels, spas, and more.


Though the island is open to technically open to the public, it is presented as a high-end resort. This discourages the average person from booking a stay, but this also allows for non-W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P. personel to frequent the area. When a person who is not a company employee has been booked for a stay at the Oasis, all operatives are alerted.


Most buildings within the Oasis have a sleek and modern vibe, while incorporating the idea of a tropical paradise.


The weather is typically warm and can become quite hot at times, but the facilities are very well conditioned and shade is provided in outside areas to combat the heat. There is also an abundance of fountains, pools, and other bodies of water that aid visitors in keeping cool.
Commander McCox gives newbies the rundown:   Ah. I've been to the Oasis before. It's nice. Real nice. They have all kinds of fun activities. They have a big golf course. A miniature golf course. Several pro golf shops. They have hotels with giant TVs where you can stream golf for days. They have a miniature golf course. They have the best, most smooth-running golf carts I've ever driven. They have a giant golf course...   Oh. What else do they have? Uh. A bit of everything for everyone.   ...the Oasis is NOT all about golf. I swear. I just..can't, for the life of me, remember what else they had. I felt like I was in golf heaven.
Owning Organization


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