Lowveld Log

The Lowveld Log is a document that lists the inventory of what is being stored in Albitrunca. It is suspected that many things are located in the underground tunnels, but nothing has been confirmed. Still, the database is available to be researched. It is password protected and located on an unlisted server that only certain personnel are supposd to have access to, but it is there. If found, some of the listings will still be difficult to decipher by the average person. They are catalogued by strange reference numbers that include various digits and letters that don't make sense without the necessary knowledge.  
  This document is also rumored to be available in written form. The physical books are supposedly locked in a secure vault somewhere within Albitrunca itself. The digital version is more commonly referenced. If anyone accidentally happens upon or views the Lowveld Log, they will see a lot of mixed up numbers and jumbled up letters in a long list that is difficult to decipher. Most entries do seem to follow some color-coordinated system that is believed to indicate which part of the maze each item is located in. The log also includes many unidentified indicators that let authorized persons know the nature of what is being contained, but even the notes on this are a challenge to make sense of without proper training.
A leaked section of the Lowveld Log
Commander McCox gives newbies the rundown:   This log is something that you are not supposed to be trying to access. Why do you want access to it? It has no value to you. It probably doesn't even exist. and if it does, it's super boring. Who knows what they are storing down there in Albitrunca? Probably just a bunch of old junk confiscated from bad guys and stuff. When I say it like that, it starts to sound interesting, but it's not. Trust me. Not worth getting in trouble over. If you find yourself in Albitrunca, only do the task you are assigned. You hear me? don't try to do anything else. If you found access to the list, it would just make you curious. So don't even try to find it. I'll tell you. If you want to try to find an interesting list, the Longleaf Log from The Fly Trap is more understandable to read and has things that are wayyy cooler than the boring stuff they keep stored in Albitrunca. That place is full of weapons, bad guy prisoners, and all sorts of experimental tech. They've got animals and biogenetic engeneering and all that stuff.   Now, listen. Don't tell anyone I told you that, either, but it's less likely you'll find yourself going over there to that island and getting yourself caught. Heck. I doubt you even know where it is. And no authorized person in their right mind would clear you to visit, let alone fly over. Plus, remember the animals I was telling you about? That island is GUARDED. You hear me? GUARDED with monsters you never knew existed. And you probably don't want to find out they do, either.


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Jan 29, 2025 09:30

Why should I be interested in the Lowveld Log? Where did you hear about it anyway? Oh, let me guess, Old McCox was rambling about it again, wasn't he? Listen, that thing only brings you misfortune! How do I know? Well, let's say in the rare occasions that I don't blow up any evidence of the bad boys' presence on a job, most of what little is left once the smoke settles down is stored most likely down in the Albitrunca... so most of it is just broken garbage, mementos of jobs well done. So, no need to get anything from there and thus no need to get the Lowveld Log.
So, do you have any questions that are worth answering about it? No? I thought so!
— Agent Night-1 talking to his curious intern

I really appreciate McCox rambling about everything and tangling so much that everybody will get curious about everything they shouldn't know about!

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Jan 30, 2025 19:08 by Lexi Con (WordiGirl)

lol he does tend to do that, doesn't he?   Also, I wonder what kind of spy Night-1's intern will turn out to be. 'XD

Feb 4, 2025 07:40

The intern will be either: a) a total psycho, like Night-1 or Someone... well, maybe in spirit only, or b) too traumatized and too afraid to take any job that doesn't involve a desk and some boring calculations deep in a secure place. Only time will tell!

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Worldanvils: New Years Resolution 2025
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