Longleaf Log

A travel log or other document associated with discovery.
  The Longleaf Log is the document on which scientists of W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P. document all of the experiments that are performed on and transported to the Experiment Sector of Dionaea Muscipula.   This document can be found in physical and digital form. The digital form is highly secured behind several firewalls in a database that only certain certified W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P. personnel can access. The physical copy is locked into a secure safe in a locked underground vault in an undisclosed room of the Experiment Sector. It is to be updated in conjucntion with the digital copy every time a new experiment is started or a new scientific project is stored in the facilities.   This document covers the experiment titles, its components, and a brief overview of what it is expected to produce. Daily logs of the experiment are also linked in the digital version of the document. These logs can be text-based or audio voice files.


This log is to keep track of all experiments that are being held at the Experiment Sector along with the W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P. scientists who are assigned to their upkeep. There is a digital version for convenience, but a physical version was also created as a safety measure to ensure that even if something were to go wrong with the technology, there should be a basic log documenting most of the important facts so that all information would not be lost on the matter. The physical version is also safe from being hacked or altered by malicious sources.


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