Frank Fennec

Frank Fennec is a guy you've probably seen before. Even prior to changing your company from Nellindill Plastics Company to Nellindill Packaging Company, you had lots of plastics to take to him to recycle. Now, your team has worked even a bit more closely with him, trying to work out ways to use some of the materials that his center has collected to develop your new sustainable packaging. Still, you don't really know him on a professional level. In fact, you've probably only met him once or twice. Your secretary traditionally makes the connections for you.




Frank Fennec is the manager of a local Australian recycling center. He wears glasses and a plaid purple shirt. He has black pants and is wearing a pair of brown boots with little pockets in them from which he draws out the business cards for his services. He boasts that they are made from some of the very recycled materials that were processed at his own recycling company.   At times, it will seem as if Frank is a little nervous or excitable. he is constantly looking around and also glancing at Perrinia Murphy.   When the lights go out, he argues that it was a normal, natural occurence and offers to go into the kitchen to fetch a few candles.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Frank was not always passionate about environmental issues, but when he was a teenager, he was low on cash and managed to get hired at the local recycling center. At first, he considered it just a job. But when he saw how much the center was doing for the community and the environment, he grew to love it and realize that he was inadvertantly contributing to many ecological problems in the world. He slowly but surely changed his ways.   Soon, the center's avenue for sending plastic was canceled. The receivers of the recycled material refused to take any more. They could no longer do anything with it and said that purchasing it or even taking it for free was not productive. They counted it as junk. This made Frank upset and annoyed. He couldn't blame them for not wanting to take the plastic. He wasn't upset with them. He was upset with the plastic. He tried his best to come up with ways to reuse it. He initiated art programs where children could come and fashion art out of the plastic. He also encouraged several movements to leave plastic alone altogether so that they wouldn't have to worry about recycling it.
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