Perrinia Murphy

Perrinia Murphy seems to be a shy young girl, but it's apparent that she is very passionate about the subject of conservation.




Perrinia Murphy is a university student from Australia who leads the environmental activist group at her school. She wears a pair of faded jeans with a couple of rips in them, along with a grungy Earth graphic tee. She has several friendship bracelets on her wrists that she fiddles with when it is apparent that she's nervous. Her hair is long and loose, but the scrunchie on her arm indicates that she'll tie it into a quick ponytail if need be. Her sneakers are worn and a bit dingy.   Perrinia seems like quite a nervous person. Ever since she walked into the mansion, her eyes have ben wide and she has been fidgeting with her friendship bracelets.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Perrinia Murphy has cared about the environment ever since she was a young child. Once, at the beach, she was disappointed to see the pollution in the waters and she declared to her parents that she would do something about it when she was older. They then told her that she could begin to do small things now because "every voice counts". With a new gusto, she began doing everything she could, rallying, donating, raising funds at a lemonade stand, initiating and participating in local beautification projects, sending letters to government officials, and more. By the time she was old enough to go to university, she realized that she had already made a long lasting impact on the environment and many people over the years. She was incredibly glad that she hadn't waited until she was an adult to do something.
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