Dove Merit

Dove Merit is a reporter you've seen and heard a lot of. She hosts a few radio shows, podcasts, and news programs that broadcast around the world. While she is not the most popular reporter, she is known in a few circles, especially those of environmental activists. You notice that she has not taken her eyes off of Ned Bevy for the majority of the evening. She has always been suspicious of him. She's even reached out to you several times to get the real story of why you decided to sever ties with his busines, but you declined. It seems she's determined to get to the bottom of the situation one way or the other...




Dove Merit is a reporter who is known for covering lots of ecological news.   She started in her small hometown working for the local paper. She soon became an anchorwoman, then a street reporter, before making it to larger platforms.   She currently hosts a radio program in addition to traveling the world for her online news magazine.   Dove is familiar with many people on the "eco scene" and attends several marches, protests, and summits for the betterment of the environment and to spread awareness about global issues to the world.   Of all the party guests, Dove is familiar with Ossie Kararehe, Bartleby Figg, Lindsey Quark, Mr. G, and especially Ned Bevy. She is especially suspicious of the billionaire and doesn't care to let him out of her sights.
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Author's Notes

Voiced in most audiodramas by Cassandra White.

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