WorldEmber Prep 2024

Last year, I was not able to make my goal. That 10,000 words is usually nothing for me. A piece of cake. Something I can do in my sleep, but life just threw all sorts of things at me and when I did have times to stream that were cut out for sprinting, I allowed the eager chat to distract me from my task. It was the first year I lost WorldEmber and there was no one to blame but myself. This year, I have to learn from my mistakes and do better.



1. Word Goal

Since I did not make my goal last year, I have decided to alter my pledge document this year. I am still going to strive for the 10,000 words, but my actual solidified goal is "As many words as possible".  
WorldEmber 2024 Pledge Certificate (WordiGirl)

2. Area of Focus

The focus will be the things that are to come, which will all be things I am supposed to be working on as a part of my current NovelEmber goals. I need to FINALLY get the last part of Troubled Beginnings done as well as Shipley and Harbor hopefully all before the House of Spies Movie Premiere Event currently scheduled for May 2025. I also wanted to do something big for ZineMonth this year, but since I was unable to do it in time, I settled on featuring The New Agent Manual and said I would try to do what I had originally wanted this upcoming February (2025). I honestly don't know if I will be able to becuase time is running faster than I would like, but I can't stop the clock so I gotta get with the program!   There are several worldbuilding articles I can work on that have to do with these various projects, so I will not have a shortage of things to do to get those words in. Several characters, locations, and items to be fleshed out, in addition to other articles that would generally host the stories or games associated with each of the works. I also want to think about the WAWAs, so touching up articles in my world or making new ones with these awards in mind may also be motivating. I know this whole "area of focus" may seem too broad, but it is helpful for me to be able to jump around when needed. Plus, if I spend too much time in any one area, I won't be working at all on the other things that I consider important.

3. Update the Meta

Need to check the meta. I know that I need to add the YouTube music playlists. Spotify decided to be annoying and flag one of my playlists for copyright violation or something. I want to add them over to YouTube. Stewart's is the one that is gone, and that's super annoying. I'm very upset at it and want to rectify that situation as soon as possible. I have put in a feature suggestion to implement YouTube playlist widget embeds instead of forcing users to create several different iFrames, but I honestly don't know if it will be approved. I also don't know how difficult it is to put into practice and, if it is approved, I don't know how long it will take before they finally introduce it to the public. I think I might just have to make Stew's playlist in an iFrame and be done with it. I still need to take the time to convert all the other playlists to YouTube anyways. They are all thankfully still active in Spotify. Stew's is the only one that is gone.



1: Review the Homepage

My homepage has already been updated very recently, but we can give it another look.

2. Review the Primer

Might want to take another look at the Welcome to W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P. article but it should be fine as I have recently updated that one as well.

3. Community Tools

I might have to see about adding a follow button to things. I want to also use CSS to make the follow button show up for people who are logged in, and have a message there for people who are not logged in to sign up with my affiliate link and then like the article.   Subscriber groups. I haven't done much with these, though I do have them installed. A lot of the people who are supporting me aren't on worldanvil, but some of them are, so I guess I should go over and see those who are and add them into their corresponding subscriber groups.   I think I already have everything linked up but I can go through and make sure. I know somebody said something about that link going to prose and it should go to manuscripts, so I guess that's something else I should fix about the homepage.

4. CSS Shenanigans

idk what css I will need before I get to it, so Idk if I will be able to get there.



1: Read & Watch

I actually listened to, watched, and read back on my own works. Though I do draw inspiration from many different places, there isn't any particular show, movie, or book that I feel like I should read for this. Only the Haunting Nightmares was recently completed, and I also decided to read back on some of the private things I did not share with anyone yet. It helps me to remember the story and get into the mind of writing more about the world. I might be weird, but this is the inspiration that helps me.

2: Moodboard

I should probably have a more official moodboard, but I actually sometimes just go and put some little pics into a folder. I also like to purchase things that my characters have. I recently bought some things that are similar to something in the story but I cannot talk about that right now lol. I also downloaded a picture of them. Maybe I should make a moodboard set for each of my characters and put them on their pages. that's definitely something to think about.

3: Playlist

I was just talking about playlists earlier this month and YES! I was informed that my YouTube Music idea has been accepted! I still don't know when it will actually be inmplemented, so I should still get Stew's stuff into an iFrame pronto. That's actually one of the playlists I've been listening to a lot. In fact, I'm listening to it right now lol.



1: Community

I have unofficially announced Holiday Camp, but it will happen in my Infinite Imaginations Discord server. Everyone is welcome to join! I know Autumn Camp is literally ending today, but the more camps the better, right?! Also, this will be much more chill. I will make it so that people can set their own goals, and it will be more centered around hanging out and chatting. In addition to these things, I am still doing a Secret Santa exchange and an Advent Calendar in the server, (along with a mini Christmas RolePlay!) so things are going to be super fun, hopefully lol.

2: Writing Schedule

I honestly feel like I have not scheduled streams for months. I tried to do a productivity stream this month, though, and it didn't work. People in chat were redeeming games and stuff so I wasn't able to do much writing. I think I really need to just disable some of the commands and redeems like I said last time, or either decide not to stream if it will be disruptive. Last time I streamed, my IRL siblings literally took over the whole stream lol. We'll see what I do, but this is one of the reasons I lost WorldEmber last year. I don't want that to happen again.!

3: Get Fresh Air!

It is actually super cold here now. It's snowing like Christmas. This is NOT the weather I like to walk or sit in lol. I will try to relax, though. I have been trying to do better about taking care of myself and eating and resting and sleeping, so I will try to keep that up, even though I feel weird about it, especially due to me being really behind on all the stuff I'm suppposed to be taking care of. Nevertheless, I know it's all important, and I'm always such a hypocrite for telling others to take care of themselves while I refuse to follow my own advice.
My primary focus will be on Secret Agent Someone and other associated projects set in the wonderfully mysterious world of W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P.

Secret Agent Someone
However, if the words so call, I may turn to Wynsumheord for a few things.


Streaming to help reach my goals!

I have been streaming for a bit and never got around to posting the schedule here even though I had already uploaded the image in WorldAnvil lol.
WordiGirl holiday twitch streams 2024
Thanks for reading through all these things. God bless and much success with whatever you're working on! Sending prayers, love, and healing hugs your way always. Feel free to share your own plans in the comments.


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Nov 26, 2024 10:57

Ma'am! I believe numbers are just to show off, so I don't care about them! Just bring in results and everything will be fine! No one should care how many words you churn out or how many cars, bikes, boats, or helicopters you crashed, as long as the evil guys, you know those guys on the other side of my gun barrel, are taken care of!
— Agent Night-1
In other Words: Good Luck - I am looking forward for anything and everything you put down for us!

Have a look at my entries for:
Worldanvils: WorldEmber Progress
Worldanvils: New Years Resolution 2025
Nov 26, 2024 15:47 by Lexi Con (WordiGirl)

lol Agent Night-1 always cracks me up. Thanks for the comment and words of encouragement! Much success with your plans as well. <3

Nov 27, 2024 12:37

Happy to read, that Night-1 still brings a smile and a laughter to your face ^^

Have a look at my entries for:
Worldanvils: WorldEmber Progress
Worldanvils: New Years Resolution 2025
Nov 26, 2024 15:42 by Elspeth

Good luck this WorldEmber! However it goes for you, I hope you have a lot of fun. <3

So many worlds to choose from...
Nov 26, 2024 15:47 by Lexi Con (WordiGirl)

I appreciate your kind words! Much success with your plans as well. <3

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