We Are All Lab Rats

The belief that "We Are All Lab Rats" (or "We Are All Guinea Pigs") spreads often within the W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P. community. Many operatives, regardless of position and rank, believe that the company and its Scientists, by way of its unseen Higher-Ups, are conducting experiments on everyone at all times.

Historical Basis

From the inception of the W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P. organization, there have been notably skeptical recruits. These several members joined the company (be it willingly or out of obligation) just to realize that there was likely more at play than they originally believed. When questioning the agency and its motives, many of the leery persons were found to have disappeared or suffered some unfortunate accident in the field. These supposed coincidences only furthered the suspicions of the general public, though it also scared many into not speaking up about anything but simply encouraged them to continue in their daily tasks as normal.


Many agents speak amongst themselves about this supposed fact, often in a joking manner but, deep down, many believe this to be an inevitable truth that nothing can be done about.

Variations & Mutation

Some skeptical operatives believe that W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P. is run by humans who want to push the boundaries of science, while others believe it is an organization taken over by an AI hivemind that desires to put humans through tests just as it was previously tested by humans. Yet others believe that the company is completely run by aliens from another planet. While many agents differ on the specifics of who--or what--is conducting the experiments (and why), most individuals agree that experiments are always being conducted.

Cultural Reception

Most operatives are not happy with the idea that they are being experimented on. Some are excited to help be a part of the advancement of scientific boundaries. Others are indifferent to the entire matter, either because they don't believe the experiements are as troublesome as many claim, or because, even if things are happening, they don't believe there is realisitcally anything that can be done about it.
Commander McCox gives newbies the rundown:   Listen. I know a lot of people think that W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P. is conducting crazy experiments on people. Maybe they're not. Maybe they are. But, we're all still here and everything's fine, right? I'll tell you what won't be fine; if people go asking too many questions. When operatives are too curious about the company, the company gets too curious about them, and I don't think most people want a company like W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P. getting too curious about them.


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