Testing the Waters

As a new member of our organization, we highly discourage disobeying, defying, or pushing the limits of any rules outlined by the W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P. organization. Doing so may result in dismissal from the company or even worse consequences.   The agency has every operative's best interest in mind. Following protocol is the best way to keep you and your fellow employees safe from harmful occurrences outside of and within the company.   It is understandable that all minds, especially young ones, may be curious about the nature and inner workings of the organization. Rest assured, you will learn all necessary lessons in time. Make sure that none of them are learned the hard way.   Thank you for your understanding, dedication, and compliance. We are happy to have you as an operative.  


Many agents, especially those who are newer recruits, often feel the urge to 'test the waters' and try to see how far they can get defying some of the company's rules without getting caught. This is extremely popular for Junior Sprouts who have just joined the agency. In the past, this has occurred several times. Some of the operatives have been found out, while others still go undetected to this day.   The tradition is somewhat of an unofficial one. It is born of natural curiosity in the minds of those who have been inducted into a suspicious organization and have the need for answers.


Common questions that drive new operatives to Test the Waters

  Who runs the company?
What are its motives?
When was it founded?
Where is W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P. NOT?
Why was I recruited?
How did any of this happen?
Commander McCox gives newbies the rundown:   I get it. This company is big. There's a lot to know. And, there's a lot you'll never know. So don't even try, okay? Especially not so soon. Heck, I've been here for years and I still don't know everything. I don't think anyone knows everything. You know, I've wondered sometimes, who is the actual boss around here? Like, who's the Higher-Ups' Higher-Up? But, then, I ask myself, what would happen if I figured out that information? Probably nothing. W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P. is probably owned by the most boring human guy ever to grace the planet. Boring like the CEO of Whatsit Mart. Nobody even remembers his name. I sure don't, but I love to shop there. I think they have frozen pizzas on sale, three for $10.99. I should really stop there after I clock out from work. In fact, I should get my Junior Sprout to make a run there now. I think frozen pizza sounds like a good lunch right about now. Whaddaya say?


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