Public Presence


In its earlier years, W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P. would establish a presence in many locations under the ruse of a more commonplace organization. Attempting to recruit more operatives, this usually came in the forms of workplaces and schools.   Hosting such agencies out in the open is less popular for the company in modern days. Many of the schools, factories, and offices that W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P. once owned and operated have since been shut down or converted into more traditional facilities. When gathering personnel to increase the workforce, W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P. is more likely to send out Recruiters to observe individuals before bringing them back to a private, undercover headquarters.


In these early days, the schools, factories, and other facilities were well known once established. They were not hidden at all. Most paid for advertisement in the local newspaper and beyond. They did not inform the world that W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P. was running the organization but, once they were invited back to the facility, they were often told near immediately. Essentially, they were then obligated to work for the company. Refusal to cooperate futher would reportedly inspire threats of Erasure.


In the late 1900s, it was a popular practice for W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P. to establish boarding schools around the world. Each of them were crafted to target different groups. Some appealed to parents who wanted to get their "problem child" sorted out. Others advertised to well-off families who wanted their children to receive the finest education. The schools were usually separated by gender, and the boys' school would be very nearby to the girls' school. They would participate in some co-ed activities including dances and dinners. They would also have friendly competitions against each other where they would try to attack, hack, infiltrate, or compromize the other school. These exercises would serve as a lesson to all involved, from students, even up to principals.


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Aug 8, 2023 09:00

"friendly competitions against each other where they would try to attack, hack, infiltrate, or compromize the other school. "
Wow that escalated quickly ^^

Have a look at my entries for:

-Worldanvils: Institutions of Learning
-Worldanvils: SUMMER CAMP
Aug 8, 2023 11:42 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

lol it was fun. A story of how two soon-to-be spies fell in love. With danger and betrayal. And some silly shenanigans....that wouldn't be considered so silly when you actually think too hard about them... XD

Aug 8, 2023 13:21

Yep, I had a workspace relationships once.
  You know, just the typical stuff: She tried to seduce and kill me, while I tried to get her bosses codes for the nuclear doomsday device.
  After Chasing each other through three european countries we finally made out.   She then quit her job, when her boss tried to send her to an early retirement in the atlantic ocean... She gave him the finger, I gave him a full magazin of bullets.   I had to take two weeks off afterwards to... well let's say we didn't leave the hotel room.
Met her several times since then, mostly trying to kill each other... Sometimes after we kiss us a welcome, sometimes after we kiss us a farewell.   You know just a typical workspace romance. Why are you asking?
— Agent Night-1 to his Intern, while driving a lousy Familie-Van
I can Image some stories like this XD

Have a look at my entries for:

-Worldanvils: Institutions of Learning
-Worldanvils: SUMMER CAMP
Aug 8, 2023 14:18 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

I guess agent Night1 finally did pick up that Swallow at the bar, ey? ;D

Aug 8, 2023 15:37

After noticing that the Raven was indeed a dude, he really needed to stay away from the alcohol for a while and went for a really life threatening job.
Just to clear his systems and well, yeah, second times the charm it seems XD - this time it was a cute swallow with big eyes as well as a really hard rightfooted kick and a quick grip on the pistol ^^"
love on the first hit it seems

Have a look at my entries for:

-Worldanvils: Institutions of Learning
-Worldanvils: SUMMER CAMP
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