
PothosX is the parent technology for almost anything within the W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P. organization that prevents bitrot, decay, and viruses within the network and its devices. This technology is the first defense against all threats, both internal and external. There are several complex inner workings of the technology but these hidden details are not revealed to the public due to the fact that the organization wishes to keep breeches down.   Though most operatives are trustworthy, some people feel the need to Test the Waters. Also, the agency cannot rule out the fact that double agents, opposing actors, and rogues may be in the midst of those loyal and devoted opperatives.  
Material | Aug 3, 2024
Commander McCox gives newbies the rundown:   There are wayy too many technologies here at the W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P. organization. You can't keep up with it all, but it is all necessary to keep everyone safe and secure. We don't want company secrets being leaked into the wrong hands. We all have our own things we need to protect. You know, I have a safe in my house and it has my prized possessions in it, including a special crystalline golfball. Yeah. It's a beauty. Sometimes I peer in and look at it, but I'd never actually golf with it. It would be a nightmare to lose that thing at the bottom of some water or somewhere deep in the forest. If it rolls into a sandpit, I might never find it. Not to mention, that thing is heavy. Horrible aerodynamics. But if somebody did hit it and it took off, I would hate for it to accidentally crash into something. NIGHTMARE for real.


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