Have you ever wanted your pet to become a cool spy?

Do you wish W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P. knew your invention existed?

Would you like to appear as a cameo in a movie, be written into a story, AND become the star of your very own trading card?

  If you answered YES to any of those questions, you've certainly come to the right place!

Get in the Game! unofficial challenge

by WordiGirl, set in the mysteriously wonderful world of W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P.  
In honor of the House of Spies Movie Premiere Event, a Kickstarter project called Rock/Paper/Scissors/Spy has been launched to help create hype! In addition to making a fun card game and RPG Adventure Zine for the community, Rock/Paper/Scissors/Spy is an amazing opportunity for YOU to become part of something epic! By supporting the Kickstarter at certain tier levels, you are able to contribute to to the game by adding your own creations or even yourself, into the game.
  This unofficial challenge provides an additional way to do so by allowing those who haven't the means to monitarly support the project a chance to be considered for a Cameo in the game. It also allows everyone, regardless of monetary contribution, a hub to show off their work, get comments and love from the community, and give people a sneak peek into what could possibly be added into the game.



Your mission is to create, or present an existing article, that includes a person, place, or thing you would like to be featured on a trading card in the Rock/Paper/Scissors/Spy game. The article can have been published on any date and can have as few or as many words as you would like. The only stipulation is that article be your own work.

To Enter

Paste the ARTICLE BLOCK of the person, place, or thing you'd like to propose for the trading card Cameo in the comments below, along with a short summary of why you would like to see the concept within the Rock/Paper/Scissors/Spy game. ONLY ONE ENTRY IS ALLOWED PER PERSON, SO CHOOSE WISELY!
(If you would like more Cameos, supporting the Kickstarter will allow you to secure multiple Cameo Cards.)

Challenge Timeline

Entries will be accepted from Saturday, February 1st, 2025 until Saturday, March 1st, 2025. The judging period will then commence and the winner will be announced on Friday, March 7th, 2025. If the Kickstarter is fully funded by or before Thursday, March 13th, 2025, digital prizes should be delivered immediately and physical prizes will be delivered on schedule with everyone else's pledged perks. If the Kickstarter is not successfully funded, Digital prizes will still be delivered immediately.  

Determining the Winner

WordiGirl is the sole and only judge and is responsiblie for weighing entries however she sees fit. She will pay attention to the detail put into the article and what the concept is. She will also take into consideration how the item or character would fit into the Rock Paper Scissors Spy game. She will not be overly particular about small typos or lack of imagery. She only asks that the entry is readable. English is WordiGirl's native and fluent language. Entries are allowed to be submitted in other languages, but be aware that, if this is done, WordiGirl will utilize Google Translate to decipher the article.  


If your article is selected to win, you will receive:
  • A digital mockup of your Cameo trading card
  • An article dedicated to your Cameo in Secret Agent Someone
  • A mention of your Cameo in the House of Spies story and movie
  • A feature in one of WordiGirl's Twitch Livestreams.
  • A physical copy of your Cameo Card (if the Kickstarter project successfully funds)
  • TWO Red Carpet tickets for you and a guest to attend the LIVE House of Spies Movie Premiere Event
  • On-Demand Access to watch and stream the full House of Spies Audio Movie any time after the event.


    Important Things to Note:

  • Only ONE entry is allowed per author, not per world (if more than one author is working in one world).
  • Your entry format IS NOT REQUIRED to resemble a trading card in any shape or form.
  • There are no stipulations on what your entry can or cannot contain, but if you have triggering or mature content, it is a common courtesy to properly signpost sensitive subjects or censor graphic imagery.
  • Monetarily contributing to the Kickstarter is not necessary to participate in this unofficial challenge and does not increase your chances of winning.
  • If you have already contributed to the Kickstarter AND your article wins, you will be given an additional cameo card as your prize alongside any other perks you have claimed by pledge.
  • If your article wins but the Kickstarter does not successfully fund, you will still receive the digital prizes mentioned in this article.
  • AI art will not be disqualified, but the usage of AI art will be taken into consideration during the judging period and rightfully compared to other artists who have entered.
  • Having imagery, streamlined formatting, and CSS in your article is not a requirement to win. The main focus is content and what would make a good trading card for the game.
  • If your article wins but does not have accompanying art, the necessary art will be discussed with you created and for use in the trading card game. This art will try to follow your guidance and reflect the descriptions provided in your article.
  • Not all entries need to be submitted as contributions to W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P. as an organization. Each card lists affiliations. Your device or agent can be declared to belong to another company or identify as independent. The information about affiliation can also be considered UNKNOWN.
  • Any kind of person or thing is allowed, including magic-workers and magical items. Please do keep in mind that W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P. is a close-to-real-life sci-fi world, so things may have to be slightly altered as not to break the game and the world.
  • It is not necessary to know all the rules of the game, nor the powers, statblock information, and other laws of my world. If your concept is chosen as a winner, it can be slightly tweaked or adjusted to fit into the game; all changes being thoroughly discussed with you before implementation.
  • This is only a cameo. All original work remains yours, and any changes made to the character or item for the sake of the game will not need to be reflected in your actual creation, nor is it expected to be.

    Rock Paper Scissors Spy
    Plot | Feb 4, 2025


    House of Spies Movie Premiere Event
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    Someone and Constance are assigned to Fallington Stacks' questionable operation alongside other agents from several companies. Little do they all know, it's some sort of twisted game...

    Organization | Feb 14, 2025

    The Worldwide Independent League of Leasable Operatives Watchers Intelligence and Spy Personnel


    If you have any other questions, feel free to ask them in the comments below! God bless, much success, and we look forward to seeing your entries!

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