In honor of the House of Spies Movie Premiere Event, a Kickstarter project called Rock/Paper/Scissors/Spy has been launched to help create hype! In addition to making a fun card game and RPG Adventure Zine for the community, Rock/Paper/Scissors/Spy is an amazing opportunity for YOU to become part of something epic! By supporting the Kickstarter at certain tier levels, you are able to contribute to to the game by adding your own creations or even yourself, into the game.
This unofficial challenge provides an additional way to do so by allowing those who haven't the means to monitarly support the project a chance to be considered for a Cameo in the game. It also allows everyone, regardless of monetary contribution, a hub to show off their work, get comments and love from the community, and give people a sneak peek into what could possibly be added into the game.
This unofficial challenge provides an additional way to do so by allowing those who haven't the means to monitarly support the project a chance to be considered for a Cameo in the game. It also allows everyone, regardless of monetary contribution, a hub to show off their work, get comments and love from the community, and give people a sneak peek into what could possibly be added into the game.
Your mission is to create, or present an existing article, that includes a person, place, or thing you would like to be featured on a trading card in the Rock/Paper/Scissors/Spy game. The article can have been published on any date and can have as few or as many words as you would like. The only stipulation is that article be your own work.To Enter
Paste the ARTICLE BLOCK of the person, place, or thing you'd like to propose for the trading card Cameo in the comments below, along with a short summary of why you would like to see the concept within the Rock/Paper/Scissors/Spy game. ONLY ONE ENTRY IS ALLOWED PER PERSON, SO CHOOSE WISELY!(If you would like more Cameos, supporting the Kickstarter will allow you to secure multiple Cameo Cards.)
Paper Armour