Final Shadow

The Final Shadow is the last mission that the Introductory Interns embark upon with their Mentors. This is often one with higher stakes than all previous missions, and the Intern is expected to make more executive decisions as opposed to simply following the lead and instruction of their senior agents. The more points the Intern earns, the better their score, and the more trusted they will be when they finally acquire the position they have been training valiantly to attain.   At the end of the Final Shadow, the Interns are welcomed back to headquarters and tasked to provide a mission report on how things went. Their Mentors are also questioned to make sure all stories are aligned. In addition to this, the data of their Comms and other observations made are reviewed by a team, and the conclusion will either result in a pass or a fail. At different levels of passing, they will be more closely considered for their aspired role, or even directly placed into it at normal level. Bare minimum passing will only guarantee they be assigned to some lower-stakes missions to start, then gradually increasing difficulty as they begin to show more improvement in skill and judgement. Best passing score will grant them access to missions on par with their skillset, and put their name in high places to be considered for some of the more elite tasks.   A fail of any kind is disheartening for Interns, though some are thankful for the better side of failure in which they are able to try again by shadowing their Mentors one more time. This usually happens if, for some reason, the Intern is unable to join the Mentors in the mission. If this is known to be done on purpose as the Intern has intentionally skipped out on the task, the worst kind of fail is implemented, one that determines they are required to take all necessary classes a second time and embarking on several missions under their Mentors before having another attempt at a Final Shadow.


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