Aakraman Kutta

Above and below ground around the route of the Aakraman Kollege Kampus, several posted security personnel can be found--some accmompanied by guard dogs. These dogs can vary in breed, but the most popular type to find is the Indian Pariah Dog, also known as INDogs, South Asian Pye Dogs, and Desi Kutta.   These dogs can be found all over India. They are easily trained and are often assigned to become guard dogs or police dogs. This is why Aakraman Karma finds them especially useful. The only time an Aakraman Kutta is not an INDog is when the guard already owns (or has found and trained) a different breed. They still work for the purpose, but they are often referred to as Aakraman Kanines as opposed to Kutta.

Basic Information


No matter the breed, these guard dogs need to be highly intelligent and trainable. They also must have incredible eyesight, and awesome sense of hearing, and an excellent nose with the ability to sniff out and track down anyone who may be trying to escape Aakraman.   These dogs are agile, light on their feet, and adaptable to several different types of weather and terrain.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Many of these dogs go overworked and underfed, much like their human counterparts. They are given rations by their assigned guardperson throughout the day, but they can also be seen wandering the streets attempting to sniff out scraps to eat. They are often not very picky as they are happy to find any sustenance to help them curb their hunger.


These dogs are very loyal to their owners. Unfortunately, they are sometimes beat into submission, but they will not leave their guardperson's side regardless of how they treat them.

These dogs can be found all over the city and country areas of India. Sometimes, they are unaccompanied by humans but still carry out their assigned tasks. If a person is attempting to escape Aakraman, they will persue and subdue the individual at all costs.


Author's Notes


This article is not yet complete.

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Aug 6, 2023 18:27 by E. Christopher Clark

This works well for a work-in-progress. The last line about them staying with abusive owners makes me sad, but I think that was the point. Overall, a really compelling species. I look forward to seeing how you build it out.

Aug 7, 2023 04:23 by Lexi Con (WordiGirl)

yeah, it is quite sad </3 thanks so much for reading. I'm glad you enjoyed the article and I am looking forward to making it better once the editing period is over.

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