
Nellindill Mansion
  The recently acquired residence of Brenda and Darius Nellindill, purchased as a celebratory gift to themselves for the substantial progress they made in their newest endeavors to drive their company towards groundbreaking eco-friendly goals. The pricey estate is a pinnacle of luxurious sustainability: spacious rooms, environment-conscious amenities, solar-powered energy, and secret quarters for conducting privy business.   Map created by me (Ossandra White/WordiGirl) using DungeonFog software and elements with permission.
The office has no windows. Everthing feels so closed-in and secure. It's also awfully quiet. There are only two doors that lead into the office: one that connects to the Bedroom and one that opens out to the Lounge. Each of these doors lock securely with a key that only Brenda and Darius Nellindill have a copy of.


File Cabinet
Wall Safe

The office contains the safe where Brenda and Darius keep their important valuables and other things like the incriminating letter Ned Bevy wrote them back on the yacht. The safe is heavily armored and secured with a rotating lock. There are also file cabinets and other business things. There are a few bookshelves, one of which can slide out of its place to reveal the secret passage into Secret Chamber - Nellindill Mansion. There are a couple of chairs and a desk at which the Nellindills can sit while conducting business of all kinds.
Room, Common, Office
Parent Location
Connected Rooms
Additional Rulers/Owners


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