Lindsey Quark

Lindsey Quark is another American. She seems to be spotting out all the Americans at the party and pleading for votes. Her demeanor doesn't come across as desperate, but campaigning seems like an odd thing to do at a murder mystery party. Is that the only reason she accepted the invitation? For publicity? There are only a few Americans here anyways, so if that was her reasoning, this doesn't seem like it will be a very fruitful night for her.




Lindsey Quark is a United States Green Party politician running for a seat in US federal government. She inquires about the residence of every party guest, handing her own "Vote for Quark" buttons made from sustainably harvested and recycled materials to all of the Americans that reveal themselves. She also encourages the others from different countries to support the Green candidates in their elections (if there are any).   She has a stern face and a business-like demeanor. Her hair is drawn up into a bun and she is wearing a peachy pink skirt suit that matches her pink faux alligator-skin purse. She is wearing cream-colored heels.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ever since she was young, Lindsey was very fascinated with politics. She was also passionate about the environment. When the Green Party was instituted and began gaining momentum, she found it saddening that most candidates did not choose to associate with it for fears of not being taken serious. She was also disappointed that many voters were discouraged from voting for the minor parties because they feared it would be the equivalent of throwing their ballots in the trash.   She grew and continued to stay on the political scene in school and eventually in local government. She decided that she would remain in the Green Party instead of switching to a more popular one because she was determined not to allow the past mistakes and failures of the people to stop her from spreading her message. She worked hard to bring awareness to the subject and encourage voters not to be afraid to vote for minor parties, whatever they believed, attending rallies, summits, and events with Independent Party members and other minor party members.
Current Location


Author's Notes

Voiced in most audiodramas by Sharon Edel.

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