
Mycorrhiza (pronounced my-cor-eye-zuh) is the private, secured network that W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P. uses to store, transmit, and receive information and communication within the organization. The network is separate from, but works in conjunction with, what is commonly known as the internet. It provides access to outside sites on the world wide web through a secure one-way portal, and hosts internal sites that cannot be seen by anyone outside of the organization.   The Mycorrhiza network is sometimes considered the lifeblood of the organization. Confidential information about internal affairs, outside threats, various governments, mssion logs, persons of interest, agent profiles, and more are stored within its servers. It is also what powers security systems all over the physical W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P. spaces, allowing access to areas using Keycards and other digital means of entry.  

Access and Avallability

Only W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P. operatives and employees have access to the Mycorrhiza network. Hardly anyone outside of the agency is aware of its existence, and those who are have likely tried to hack into the network. Most have failed, but the few successful attempts have helped the oganization to learn from its weaknesses and improve its defenses for future attacks. Though any average device can log into the basic hub of Mycorrhiza with an agent access code, the most secure points of the network can only be accessed through company-issued devices such as WispNavis, phones, or other tech manufactured by the agency itself.  


The inner workings of the Mycorrhiza technology are unknown to the average operative but, as most would understand, the majority of Mycorrhiza is stored on servers stationed at several W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P. base locations all over the world. Digital and physical protection is necessary to make sure that the network is always up and running, safe from breeches and secure to connect. This is why several internal teams of Base Operatives are tasked with its guarding around the clock.

Social Impact

Mycorrhiza can be accessed and utilized for both business and personal purposes, so long as the user is an active W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P. operative or employee. In addition to COMMS and other necessary applications, agents have been known to connect digitally to various forums and sites for Chapel and other extra-curricular activities.   Television broadcasts, music streaming, online gaming experiences, and movie downloads are available to access on the network as well as various chatrooms and forums for agents to communicate with each other in a more relaxed setting.

Technology / Science | Jul 15, 2024
Commander McCox gives newbies the rundown:   My chorizzo? Microwave? I don't know. Whatever it's called, thank God for it. This network is the best internet thingamagig I've ever connected to. Hardly ever drops. I can watch my shows. I can stream golf. I can listen to music. I can call my wife. I can do so much on this network without having to worry about delays or disconnection.   You know, one time, my wife was mad at me for two weeks! She wouldn't talk to me because she thought I hung up on her when she mentioned I had forgotten our anniversary. I didn't forget! I was just...busy with work and stuff. And, no, I didn't hang up and immediately order a Junior Sprout to hand-deliver a boquet straight to her desk. He was already set to do that. I had told him that, like, three months ago. I said, 'Princely, don't forget. It's coming up, okay? BE ON TIME.' So, yeah. It's totally not my fault. The call dropped. I swear.   She didn't believe me though because she said I was calling on the Michael? Midas? Whatevermadoodle but you know, I don't think so. I think I accidentally called her on our normal network. If I hadn't, the call wouldn't have dropped.
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Aug 15, 2024 03:55 by Kwyn Marie

Well-written, and the snippet's very cute.

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Aug 15, 2024 10:23 by Lexi Con (WordiGirl)

lol thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed the article. <3

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