Stewart Princely
Stewart Stanley Princely (a.k.a. Stew)
Stewart Princely is an Introductory Intern at the W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P. organization. As a Junior Sprout, he also assists Base Operatives around the office when his normal school classes out. This typically includes summer, winter, and spring breaks.
Stewart was drafted into the agency at twelve years old, but was unable to hold a consistent position until age thirteen. During this time, he studied previous and current W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P. operatives. One of the first classes he took introduced him to the company's infamous Someone Elsewood. Stewart instantly fell in love with everything about him and desired to meet him one day. He also wanted to be like him, though instructors advised he not copy every aspect of the agent's character and beahavior.
Finally, at fourteen years old, his wish came true when he was appointed to go out into the field under his hero, alongsidepartner OBLIGATORY ASSOCIATE Constance Harbor (much to their dismay). This assignment occurred right around the holiday season, which made him feel extra special.
Stewart was drafted into the agency at twelve years old, but was unable to hold a consistent position until age thirteen. During this time, he studied previous and current W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P. operatives. One of the first classes he took introduced him to the company's infamous Someone Elsewood. Stewart instantly fell in love with everything about him and desired to meet him one day. He also wanted to be like him, though instructors advised he not copy every aspect of the agent's character and beahavior.
Finally, at fourteen years old, his wish came true when he was appointed to go out into the field under his hero, alongside
I don't need one of Santa's little helpers getting in my way! Constance already does enough of that!Despite Someone's adamantly expressed disproval, Stewart continued to look up to the agent and continue fanboying over him.
Don't worry. I'll grow on him. You know I will.-Stewart Princely
Physical Description
Identifying Characteristics
Though very youthful in appearence, Stewart is older than he seems. At fourteen years of age, when pressed, he can pass for a 10 to 12 year old. He is rather on the shorter side for males, and his voice is quite light in tone. He has no evidence of facial hair, and he presents a very innocent, cheery persona. His tendencies and interests are more childlike as well.
Apparel & Accessories
In admiration of Someone Elsewood's signature way of never foregoing his dark green necktie, Stewart aimed for a similar trait. The lad usually wears a collared shirt with an over-vest and a red bowtie. Around Christmas, he gives his style a festive theme by donning an ugly sweater vest with a present bow for a tie.
Okay. He's weird...and a little creepy...but, he's kinda cute.
Mental characteristics
Personal history
Ever since he was young, the boy loved movies and pop culture. He would always try to write his own stories, make up his own scripts, and act out scenes with his fellow schoolmates. Some of these children were a bit annoyed or put off by his enthusiastic behavior, but he didn't allow that to hamper him. Many of his experiences and outlooks in childhood served as the inspiration for the W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P. alias name he ultimately chose.
As he got older, it became more apparent that he was considered weird and 'a bit much' to the average person. Though he was admittedly disappointed, it was extremely challenging for him to tone down his personality in an attempt to fit in, so he accepted being different and continued being himself, though it did not produce many friendships.
Stewart cannot help his fanboy tendencies that often attract him to several people he thinks are cool. They also lead him to collect various figures, knick knacks, and memorabilia. He posesses several autographed posters, books, and other merchandise.
In addition to this, Stewart has always been curious and what some people would consider nosy. He finds himself spying on others and eavesdropping unintentionally. These factors, along with his ability to retain the information he gleans, are suspected to be the reason W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P. recruited him in the first place.
Stewart is very talkative to almost everyone he meets. He can restrain himself from sharing secrets if they are important and confidential, but he otherwise lets loose, much to the disappointment of people who forget (or don't outright find it necessary) to alert him that they would rather him not share the information they confide in him. This can be seen as a bit of gossip from others, but Stewart personally doesn't mean to spread any rumors or trouble. He often shares just as much strange information about himself.
Accomplishments & Achievements
Stewart, though sometimes seen as annoying, clumsy, and erratic, oftentimes ends up accomplishing the mission he set out to complete in the end, even if there are a few bumps along the way.
Failures & Embarrassments
As talented as he is, Stewart often doubts himself and hesitates, then admonishes himself for not acting sooner. His mind can seem like an arguement between two people at times when he is debating on whether or not to do something. He wants to be 'cool' and do the right thing, but fear and doubt sometimes freezes him in his tracks.
Mental Trauma
Though Stewart seems to be an eternally cheerful, optimistic, and hopeful kid, it is seldom observed that he may be struggling a bit with internal thoughts. These are suspected to consist of disappointment in himself, low self-esteem, and possible signs of depression. Though he is open to sharing a lot about himself, or rare occasions, one may notice he may be withholding something. He is sometimes heard mentioning his family (most often his father) in various random situations, but doesn't otherwise elaborate much on his family's dynamic.
Intellectual Characteristics
Stewart is a quick learner in almost every subject he sets out to study, but he is especially well-versed in technology. His prolific skills aid him in catching onto W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P.'s protocols. He has also become an instant favorite Junior Sprout around the office due to the fact that he can navigate quickly around Jack Pine Tower and the surrounding areas. Though his memory retains a lot of information, Stewart is always sure to carry around his pencil and notepad when running Sprout errands to make sure he doesn't accidentally miss anything.
One can never be too safe with a good old fashioned pad and pencil.-Stewart Princely
Personality Characteristics
Stewart looks up to several people and things he sees as cool and internally longs to be like them but feels like he's not enough at times. Still, he tries to push himself to be better every day.
The primary drive for Stewart's success at W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P. is his complete infatuation with Someone Elsewood. He takes it upon himself to study everything he can learn about his favorite agent. He excelled in all classes and trainings with the internal goal of becoming just like his hero.
While he may be considered just as crazy, the personalities of these two could not be more different. Stewart is super friendly and is not afraid to geek out and fanboy over people right in front of their face. He doesn't hesitate to shower you with compliments, even if some of them could be considered creepy.
Someone, on the other hand, attempts to keep it cool at all times and admits no attachment to anybody. Gaining a sincere, unsarcastic compliment from him is harder than pulling a crocodile's backmost teeth.
Personality Quirks
Stewart consistently goes off on tangents when he gets excited. His voice tends to crack and become high-pitched when he is gleeful. When especially happy, or geeking out about something, he can be heard emitting "eeeee!"s, "oooh!"s, and giggles. Sometimes he repeats himself when saying certain words or phrases which can come across as annoying.
Please please please please please please pretty pretty please please please please please pretty please please!?Stewart makes it a point to study trivia on people and reveal that he knows the strangest, most uncomforting and embarrassing facts at the worst possible times. He then carries on with whatever activities he was doing as if it is no big deal to him or it was never mentioned.-Stewart Princely

Commander McCox Gives Newbies the Rundown: Stewart Princely is quite the character. He is OBSESSED with Elsewood for whatever reason... Kinda like I was obsessed with this band back in my highschool days. I collected their posters, knew each of their middle names, exact height, shoe size... everything. Too bad they broke up. They were the best. I don't even remember their names now. It was so long ago... Well, I do remember, but if I tell you, I'll be dating myself so I might as well be quiet. Not that I'm old or anything. I'm not too old. Depending on how old you are, I could probably be your dad but NOT your grandfather. You get me? Unless you are maybe fourteen? Like Stewart. Oh. Wait... we were talking about Princely, weren't we? That kid annoys the mess out of Elsewood. I wouldn't admit it in front of him, but I think deserves this. He acts up a fool all the time. He's crazy as heck. I told you he was crazy, right?? I feel a bit sorry for sticking Constance Harbor with him, but I kinda like Elsewood, and I could tell Harbor would do him some good. So will Princely, I bet. Having an annoying little kid around for the holidays might be just what he needs. Plus, if anyone can handle it, it's him. ...not to mention, if I didn't get that kid out of the office, he would have been talking my ear off, going on tangents about memes and such... You know something funny? I heard people say I go on random tangents. Please! I don't go on tangents. You know that, right? That's ridiculous to think. Ridiculous like this frozen pizza I got the other day. You know it had the nerve to have pickles, peanut butter, pepperoni, pinapples, peppers, and popcorn?! On the pizza. Already. In the box frozen. At least pop the popcorn separately. I mean, come on, man. The popcorn... Once you bake it, will it really still be popcorn? It's gonna get all soggy and... hey!? Where are you going?!
Current Status
Current Location
Date of Birth
November 23, 2010
Dark brown, wide
Dark brown, combed over, gelled,
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
creamy white
5' 3"
100 lbs
Aligned Organization
Related Plots
Ruled Locations
Appears in...
Author's Notes
Voiced in most audiodramas by Jeff Rose.
Portrayed in most visual models by Ossiah White or Ossandra White (me).
Photographed by Ossandra White (me) or Ossie White Jr. and further edited by Ossandra White (me).