The Little Baby Duck

Hey... what have you... where'd you find this??

-Someone Elsewood


  One fine spring morning,
the little baby duck awoke bright and early.
“Time to eat, little baby duck,”
called the mother duck.
He hopped out of the hollow log
and rushed over to the grass.
Yum yum yum!
Delicious green moss.
Duck Page 1.png

  One fine spring afternoon,
the little baby duck was playing all about.
“Time for a walk, little baby duck,"
called the mother duck.
He hopped out of the forest glade
and rushed over to the path.
Waddle waddle waddle!
What a fun parade.

  One fine spring evening,
the little baby duck was quacking quite loudly.
“Time for a bath, little baby duck,”
called the mother duck.
He hopped out of the mucky mud
and rushed over to the pond.
Splash splash splash!
All nice and tidy.
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  One fine spring night,
the little baby duck was very, very tired.
“Time for sleep, little baby duck,”
called the mother duck.
He hopped out of the tall grass
and rushed over to the nest.
Fluffy fluffy fluffy.
Snuggly and warm.

But, then, the wind howled…

…the eyes glowed…


…the clouds darkened the sky…
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The little baby duck shivered.

He was cold.   He was afraid.   He thought he was all alone.

But he wasn’t alone.

The mother duck was right there.

She tucked the little baby duck under her wing

and sang a beautiful lullaby.

  At last, the stars twinkled.

The glowworms fluttered.

The world fell asleep…
…the little baby duck did too.
And so, the mother duck hugged the little baby duck and they both lived happily ever after.  

The end.


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Oct 1, 2022 13:39 by Darren McHaffie

Cute. Expecting more now from you Wordigirl. Good art.

Oct 3, 2022 10:49 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

thank you! I might add something more to it soon...

Oct 2, 2022 04:13 by Eliora Yona

Very good story! I like the art as well :D I know of someone who is also doing such a project! Seems like this type of work is catching on again ^.^/

Oct 3, 2022 06:29 by RandoScorpio

What a sweet little story!! So cute with the pictures.

Oct 3, 2022 10:49 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)
Oct 6, 2022 00:14 by Deleyna Marr

This is both a cute children's story and a wonderful characterization adventure in the soundbite. Delightful!

Oct 6, 2022 00:31 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

thank you! Glad you enjoyed :)

Oct 6, 2022 23:16 by Lilliana Casper

Aww, it's so sweet! And the audio had me laughing while listening. So good!

Lilliana Casper   I don't comment much, but I love reading your articles! Please check out my worlds, Jerde and Tread of Darkness.
Oct 7, 2022 00:03 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

I'm happy you enjoyed the story and audio. <3 thanks so much for stopping by!

Oct 9, 2022 22:27

Great audio, Wordi. You both have great "radio" voices. The story itself is cute. :)

Oct 10, 2022 17:22 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)
Oct 15, 2022 02:05

Nice job on the art! Its definitely better than any in my world entries. Also, for a bit I thought it would end badly, like some ARG horror special (I do not know why). Anyways, great stuff as always.

Oct 15, 2022 09:09 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

lol thanks for checking it out! yeah I could see how it seems that it might end badly XD maybe also because you're reading it through spookytober and expecting some scares. :) still glad you enjoyed!

Dec 8, 2022 09:59 by Tillerz

Awesome and cute! And ducks! \o/

Dec 8, 2022 12:22 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

*bows* what an honor coming from the Duck Lord himself! Thank you so much for reading and I'm glad you enjoyed.

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