It was her swift action that caused this one, I'll admit. But the look on her face was worth every wrinkle in my suit. I definitely miss that sunroof, though.
All writing, content, art, photographs, and music created and edited by Ossandra White (WordiGirl) unless otherwise stated.
Most Someone Elsewood suit covers were commissioned from photographer Aleksandar T. (QuasarArt) and further edited by WordiGirl.
Most Constance Harbor modelings were taken by Ossie White Jr. (WildZooGuy) and further edited by WordiGirl.
All Vocal talent sourced and commissioned by WordiGirl, used with permission.
Specific information concerning portrayed characters and individual instances listed on respective pages.
Copyright 2024, All Rights Reserved
3 Limousines (I think a Mercedes, a BMW and a Ford), 1 Ford Mustang (not owned by WILLOWISP), 1 Doge Ram (also not owned by WILLOWISP), 2 Yamaha Motorcycles, 1 Harley Davidson (also not owned by WILLOWISP), 1 Helicopter - no Idea which brand, a schoolbus (not owned by WILLOWISP), a Chestner Airplane, 2 Family Vans (with satifaction)... Hmm what a year of lost vehicles...
Well now let's have a look how to use that "Summon-Mechsuit-Command"...
Well Night-1 is a child of the 80's, taught by TV shpows like McGyver, A-Team, Knight Rider, Airwolf, Terminator, Alien and so on... if there no explosion, the job is properbly not done ^^
-Worldanvils: WorldEmber Homework -Worldanvils: WorldEmber Progress
woah lol Night-1. I think you're worse than Elsewood at this point with the collateral damage. I'm sure he'd be proud. XD
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Well Night-1 is a child of the 80's, taught by TV shpows like McGyver, A-Team, Knight Rider, Airwolf, Terminator, Alien and so on... if there no explosion, the job is properbly not done ^^
-Worldanvils: WorldEmber Homework -Worldanvils: WorldEmber Progress