Someone's Apartment

When first recruited into the W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P. organization, a young Someone Elsewood was given this humble apartment. It was intended to be a temporary fix, but the agent made it his home.   Years later, they continue to try and get him to move to a fancier, more spacious and luxurious penthouse or something but Elsewood will not budge. He travels the world and stays in all sorts of nice establishments, but he doesn't mind keeping this small apartment he was first given when he joined the agency.
Commander McCox gives newbies the rundown:   Elsewood is something else-wood. He literally doesn't want to change out his apartment? props to him. You know, that apartment he has is small just like one of those Junior Sprouts dorms in the The Greenhouse but that guy doesn't care at all. I suppose, he's hardly at home, to be honest. then, again, he claims not to care about anyone or anything, not even himself, so maybe that includes not caring about cool apartments and luxury and such.   you wouldn't think it from the outside, but Elsewood is quite the simple man. He doesn't require much. Not high maintenance at all. He can just have a couch and a tv and a bedroom and a little kitchenette and all that simple stuff and be fine. I guess looking at his suit and tie and all that jazz, hearing his british accent, and seeing how crazy he is, you'd think he was wanting something more like a butler and a maid and a giant mansion to boot. but, no. this guy is simple livin.


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