
An organization associated with governance, leadership or change
  SetNet is a group of seven elite agents. They were each recruited from South Korea at lower points in their lives. After much training in W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P.'s South Korean headquarters, they were equipped and ready to face high-stakes missions all over the world.


Though there is a leader, the members of SetNet mostly treat each other as equals. They are very close-knit and consider themselves to be like brothers. Each one of them helps the other. The three older members act as mentors to the younger members.


The SetNet members like to have fun, but they also know when it is time to be serious. In their spare time (and even a bit on missions) they like to throw in a little singing or a few dance moves.   Most of the time, all seven of the SetNet members are sent out to complete missions as a team, but sometimes, they are sent on solo missions, or are split up into groups of two, three, or four agents.   Most of the missions assigned to them are those that fall in line with their beliefs. They appreciate making positive change in the world and refuse any missions that go against what they stand for. They usually set out to help those who are less fortunate, or be the voice of those who often go unheard. Although they are spies who stay behind the scenes lurking in the shadows, they leave a lasting impact wherever the roam and are proud of the fact that they've helped to make a difference even if they do not get public recognition or credit for their actions.

Public Agenda

SetNet is a private, undercover group of Elite Espionage agents within W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P.. They are not publicly known, but they do have reputation within the organization.


The members utilize any devices they can to complete the tasks at hand. Even when they do not have access to much advanced technology, they still strive to complete their missions in any way possible.


The members did not know each other before joining W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P.. Over the span of two years, they were recruited one by one and trained together. After much dedication, they grew close and created a nearly unbreakable bond. They vowed to do most of their missions together as a team and dubbed themselves SetNet because there were seven of them.

Work in Progress!

Notable Members


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