
    Anthuriumite is a specialized experimental metal alloy that W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P. Scientists help to develop. This material is said to be used in the containment facilities found in almost all of the organization's various facilities including Dionaea Muscipula and Albitrunca to contain dangerous threats and secure things that need to be protected.   It is suspected by many that strange creatures, machines, and other things may be housed by W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P. as captives, but the company has not confirmed these claims. They do admit to working on different alloys and methods of containment, however. They insist that this is necessary to ensure that the criminals held by the agency are properly secured, as well as experiments, devices, valuables, and other important information. They would not like prisoners to be able to escape, nor would they like opposing operatives to be able to get in easily and steal things, so they work tirelessly to develop more secure methods of protecting themselves and others. It is important to make sure that nothing can get in and nothing can get out.  
  This specialized alloy is said to be one of the strongest and most flexible materials known to science. It is comprised of a variety of metals supplemented by other elements. The ingredients are melted down and mixed together, reinforced with other substances to create a fortified material that seems to be perfect for the agency's needs. The exact recipe has not been publicly revealed.   Once built, the structures and objects devised from Anthuriumite are put through various endurance tests, including blunt force from human combat, melee weapons, cannons and other projectiles, lasers, sharp implements, light and temperature exposure, time and weather simulation, and more. They have also tested these materials with natural animals who have no outside influence, along with normal humans who are unaware of the nature of Anthuriumite. In addition to its strength, flexibility, and duribility, Anthuriumite can also be electromagnetically charged which allows for even more uses.  
  Anthuriumite is known to be used in various Willowisp headquarters locations all around the world. It has also been confirmed that some Computerized Alert Relay Systems are created using this material, along with several spy gadgets, guns, and other such things. It is unknown the extent of the use of Anthuriumite as the average person cannot tell the difference between this alloy and other popular metals. There is also no notable difference in its appearance or construction other than the fact that it is suppsoedly one of the strongest metals in existence. There are supposedly several formulas of Anthuriumite with different weights and compositions. The agency continues to experiment with the recipe and consequently issues more prototypes.   Many W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P. employees couldn't care less about Anthuriumite and other experimental alloys being constructed and put to use by Scientists but W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P. prides itself on its cutting edge technologies and credits such for the secure, protected, and fortified environment their organization continues to thrive in to this day.  
Commander McCox gives newbies the rundown:   Anthuriumite. It's a moutful, and it sounds like some kind of metal from a sci-fi superhero or something, but it's some nice stuff. It's nothing TOO special, just an experimental alloy that Scientists have been working on for quite some time here at W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P.. The average person won't be able to tell the difference between it and something like steel or something. It looks nice and shiny. It feels smooth and cold to the touch. And I hear it's practically invincible. Well, it can be destroyed with the right weapons, but it's some tough stuff.   Different grades of it are used for different things, same with most other metals. Like, you can have an insulated tumbler and a toilet handle both made of steel. The same with this. The thing that makes Anthuriumite Anthuriumite is a special, secret ingredient--or maybe more than one--that they haven't told anybody about.   Many people aren't aware, but a lot of average stuff around headquarters is made of Anthuriumite. Desks, tables, heck, probably the refrigerators in the breakrooms. They have a lot of versions of this metal and each of them have their own special uses. Some are even magnetic. I'm sure most C.A.R.S. are made of it, too. And a lot of the weapons you've probably seen around here. Like I said, there's nothing too special about it, but there is a difference.   The average stuff you see around here made of it's likely the lower grade Anthuriumite. But the real tough stuff is only used on top-secret projects. I guess they mainly use it around here to test and see how long the stuff stands up to normal wear and tear. I wonder if I can get them to make some golf clubs out of it. That would be a good excuse to send me on a golf trip.   ...and, you know, a good way to test the material, of course, yeah.
Anthuriumite is typically silvery grey as most metals, but it can be polished, dyed, painted, and coated to create different designs and effects.


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Jan 18, 2025 08:03

Hmmmm, I feel like Commander McCox may not be the best golfer if he needs nigh-indestructible golf clubs. A fun read as always Wordi, thanks for sharing

Feel free to stop by and read some of my strangely cold themed WorldEmber articles, like the mysterious Armored Forest, the wayward mage Jak of the Rime, or the deadly Trapper's Bane. For those that want to get away from the cold you could always ask Damien Dreamblossom if he has a recommendation for you...
Jan 20, 2025 08:06 by Lexi Con (WordiGirl)

lol thanks for reading and I'm glad you enjoyed the article! <3

Jan 29, 2025 09:57

Application test AL-VR-T23/89_K23:
We decided to use the newest formula of high-grade Anthuriumite to create a near-indestructible car, the "V-23 Sportster," and turn it into some kind of a tank. To really test its durability, we thought of giving this new prototype to one of our most destructive agents, like Agent Someone or Agent Night-1...
This idea was immediately shut down by the higher-ups since both agents tend to not return expensive gear from their missions... especially when there is even the slightest chance of explosions or cliff/house or plane jumping involved.
So we most likely wouldn't be able to retrieve any usable data afterward.
We shall use the normal procedures for testing until the alloy is ready for mass production.
— Assay from R&D

I really like the idea of very strong metals, but as I read McCox's rambling (I really like the idea of him going to a golf driving range on weekends), it seems a bit overused. So I guess the lower-grade alloy is just for a bit longer "normal" usability of everyday items, while cheap enough for mass production. The real deal, as surely used in the Albitrunca, is way more sturdy and way more expensive, so not every agent is equipped with near indestructible gear, or?

Have a look at my entries for:
Worldanvils: WorldEmber Progress
Worldanvils: New Years Resolution 2025
Jan 30, 2025 19:06 by Lexi Con (WordiGirl)

correct. They use it to test different grades of the metal, just in case something goes wrong with the refrigerator or something, they will realize before it's too late and they issue it to the wider network of spies and the arsenal of weaponry etc.   and, no. Not every agent has the strongest grade weapon. sometimes, they will test it on agents they don't find as...valuable...just in case something goes wrong or malfunctions.

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