The Legend of the Disappearing Children

A myth or urban legend about a "monster"
  The opposing school plants many myths in the heads of their students to scare them into not revealing the secret evils that are being performed behind the scenes. One of these stories involve an unnamed person appearing at the child's house and kidnapping them never to see their families again. This 'myth' has some truth to it, as, if a child is discovered to have snitched or revealed secret information, the Opposing School will do all in their power to remove the child from society so that no further secrets can be disclosed.


This story is spread through some teachers, but is mostly planted into the heads of students by their fellow classmates. This is intended so that the legend can be of a more mysterious air and such carries more weight than if all the adults enforced such childish-seeming lore. It is a psychological tactic for some of the grown-ups to deny the myth so that it can seem more shady and therefore more believable to the children.

Variations & Mutation

Over time, the myth has taken several forms. Some stay with the traditional fact that a normal human person will arrive at the child's place of residence and kidnap them away in a van or some other similar vehicle, but the imagination of the kids have sprouted the legend to include various elaborate and even silly renditions such as a child disappearing with magic by way of some wizard, or even any assortment of anthropomorphic animals breaking into the children's homes and taking them away. There are also scarier versions of the story that involve hideous monsters or witches or ghosts. These versions are often told around the campfire at Camp tba of the Opposing School.

Work in Progress!


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Aug 16, 2022 14:22

Nice Idea, a myth that is no myth but the truth, while adults pretending it to be a myth, so the kids will believe it a true myth, while in reality the myth is the harsh reality... wow this got complicated!
P.S. i like it!

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Aug 16, 2022 14:37 by Lexi Con (WordiGirl)

thanks so much for reading and I'm glad you enjoyed the myth of the myth of the myth :D

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