Shady Camp of the Opposing School

A settlement that was lost or discovered.
  The opposing school was found to have a secret place hidden in a remote area where they took children to experiment further with brainwashing and mind controlling. They called this a Camp and told the parents of the children that they were going to sever communication for a few months so that their kids could learn and grow and discover independence when, actually, they were conducting several intense experiments on them. It is also suspected that this "Campground" is home to significant Time Machinery advancements.


The secret camp settlement is comprised of students and teachers of the opposing school.


Though from the outside the camp settlement does not look very ominous, there are several hidden traps, cameras, and other means of security planted all around the premises. Each child is also screened to make sure that they are unsuspecting and not sent from W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P. or some other opposing organization that only wishes to stop their plans, discover secret information, or destroy their operation from the inside out.


There are several areas in the camp settlement where various experiments are conducted. There are also sleeping quarters, break rooms, lunch rooms, cabins, and all the other ammenities one would imagine at a traditional children's summer camp setting.


The architecture has a classic rustic wood cabin feel. Everything seems quite warm and inviting, but there are subtle undertones that can be detected and suspected to have evil intent.

Natural Resources

There are many lakes and ponds around the area where children can canoe and kayak. There are also vast forests and many lush plants. Woodland animals can be found about as well.

Work in Progress!


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Aug 16, 2022 13:18

What subtle undertones?
Are you talking about the chains and cuffs hanging from the backwall of the campleaders office, the alligators in the lake, the maniacly laughing staff of the camp or the deadly laser-robo-sparrows that will hinder any escapees?
No? Oh I get it, it was the food, right? Spinache and brussel sprouts, to healthy for children that age...

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