Vitis Sector

This is one of W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P.'s main headquarters of communication. Within this sector, several Base Operatives are stationed on each floor. Their mission is to initiate, respond to, and facilitate correspondence with various entities. This can be communicating important information to governments around the world, informing other espionage agents of pertinent issues, and even forging communications if necessary.   The Vitis Sector specializes in multiple forms of communication: written letters, typed emails, text messages, voice calls, and more. In addition to sending out messages, some agents here are responsible for receiving and documenting information. The floors that conduct this are reminiscent of call centers. The final type of communication work that is performed here is interception. The operatives are tasked to overhear, interrupt, or put a stop to correspondence for various reasons. These transactions take place all within the facility, as Base Operatives never have to go into the field for their work.


The building is located in a relatively low traffic area surrounded by trees and forest. From afar, it seems to be a typical office campus with no visible logo. Base Operatives often don dressy casual work aparrel and carry briefcases when traversing to work. Their job is pretty much like the average nine to five, but there are agents on shift at all hours. Security guards are also stationed in the parking lot as would be done at a normal establishment, but there are several unseen personnel lying in wait to act if a more serious threat arises. The building is also equipped with digital and virtual security, using Comms frequencies and putting other measures in place to ensure that their communications are not intercepted, disrupted, or overheard by opposing forces.
Alternative Names
Vitis Communications, The Grape Vine


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