
W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P. recruiters (or scouts) are the main force that keeps the organization growing. Without new recruits, the agency would not have the capacity to continue its ever expansion and smooth operation.   Recruiters are trained to find the trainable. Their eyes are sharpened to scout out valuable traits that can be honed and to locate opportunities where new lessons can be learned. Still, rather than focusing on one key talent or skill, the recruiters must evaluate the whole person, surmise how they will behave when told about the agency, and level how easy or difficult it will be for the organization to help them learn things they should start doing and, more importantly, unlearn things they shouldn't do.   Scouts can be anywhere; especially, where you least expect them. W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P. can send scouts to work undercover for minimum wage as janitors at an overseas highschool, but they may be posted for years before they find a suitable candidate. Recruiters can also pose as homeless people on the street, or rich people in tourist hubs. They travel far and wide just to spot out the perfect new agent for the organization.   Other recruiters intentionally traverse to lesser-traveled areas in the world to find loners and people who will require less work to relocate or disassociate from families, friends, work, and responsibilities. They will also seek out missing persons, individuals reported as dead, likely deceased, lost at sea, etc. Sometimes, they will purposely find thrillseekers such as mountain climbers, skydivers, backpackers, and cliff jumpers, etc. The recruiter will then help these people to stage a supposed accident so that they will no longer be expected back by those who are waiting for them.



In order to be a recruiter, one must have already graduated the Introductory Intern program and become at least a Super Spy. The talent and skill acquired at this level is necessary for the duties and responsibilities assigned to scouts.

Career Progression

To become a more trustworthy recruiter, your scouts need not only accept the mission, but stay with the organization AND deliver positive results for the company. All agents in the history of W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P. (ever since the implementation of the recruiting program) are kept track of. Their progress, their successes, and their failures. All this data factors in to every scout and how likely they are to be sent out again. If, at any time, a scout's recruit metrics reach an all-time low, their recruiter status will be revoked and they will return to the force as a Field Agent or a Base Operative, despite the fact that they were already a Super Spy level beforehand, being demoted also works on the espionage scene and not just in the recruitment position.

Payment & Reimbursement

Though many recruiters have normal jobs as fronts, they are still being paid heartily by W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P. as well. Part of the reason why the recruiter postition is so coveted is because these individuals have the ability to travel all around the world and live in so many different lifestyles. Even if they must pose as a homeless beggar on the street, they are still being paid the hefty W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P. check and are able to live comfortably enough for their needs. Many recruiters camp out for months, sometimes years, at a time as they are trying to find the next Elite Espionage. All the while, they are receiving constant pay from the organization. This is why trustworthiness and reliability is a must. The agency does not want to be paying these individuals to sit and do nothing, but they don't mind compensating them if fruit will eventually develop from the waiting.

Other Benefits

The better the signed on agents perform, the more trustworthy the recruiter is to the organization, the more willing they are to pay them for years on end even if they don't deliver any more prospects right away. If a recruiter is successful at finding one agent, it is a good idea for them to quickly find another, just to decrease the chances of the one being a flop, therefore turning their recruitment running score into a 100% failure. But, having one impeccable agent is better than having multiple mediocre operatives, or a mixed bag of levels. This is one of the reasons why recruiters are so meticulously trained, so that they can find the right patterns and decrease the chances of W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P. picking up bad agents, individuals who refuse to join the company, or even opposing operatives and spies prone to going rogue. If a rogue agent occurs under a certain recruiter, that recruiter is usually forgiven, especially if the change of allegience happens at least two to three years after being signed on. But, if the agent goes rogue immediately, there is more to be considered and the recruiter is investigated before the board decides if they should receive a second chance.
Commander McCox gives newbies the rundown...   Recruiters. Dang. They really don't mind playing the long game. AT ALL. I heard some wait several years for children to age out of orphanages and stuff like that. Some recruiters even adopt kids out of orphanages. But, not all W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P. agents come from fact, I don't think I personally know any who do. I'm just telling you what I've heard. It's crazy.   Some recruiters just wait up in desolate mountains and forests to find loners. Did you know some recruiters find people who have been declared dead or lost at sea and stuff just so they don't have to make an excuse about where they went?   Even schools, though. There could be the football jock, best in the class, most famous, most atheletic, and then the recruiter is standing over here looking at the nerd no one has ever heard of. If he disappeared tomorrow, no one would notice. So, bing! Look what happens. Zip, slip him away. There we go. He could become the next hot shot. Or, he could be a flop. The recruiters just have to be careful, because if their accept/reject ratio gets skewed, they could be in big trouble. We can't have all these mysterious disappearences and stuff for no reason. Not a good look. One of these days, the wrong person is going to start investigating...that'll be the day that W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P. ends up in BIG trouble. Like HOT HOT water and stuff. But, yeah. No. That's not really going to happen. You said yes to your recruiter, right? You'd better had.


Author's Notes


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Aug 8, 2023 08:29

Recruiters? I bet mine have had one heart attack after the other.
But still I'm here, bringing enough goodish results to make most people forget that I need a new vehicle with a new C.A.R. now and then...
Now I wonder why I was never asked to do this Job... Well at least I am now a mentor... even if I don't like it and never wanted it...
— Agent Night-1, trying miserably to pick up a Raven at the bar at Headquarters
  You know - it is too much fun to get immersive with your World.
Those Recruiters a really heavy gamblers I guess it seems they have such so often to get ALL IN when deciding on a new recruite.

What is the allowed goog to bad recruits ration over which periode of time, before the recruiter will get in trouble?

Have a look at my entries for:
Worldanvils: WorldEmber Progress
Worldanvils: New Years Resolution 2025
Aug 8, 2023 11:39 by Lexi Con (WordiGirl)

lol I'm glad you're having fun! The exact ratio varies with the individual rating of each candidate, but if it's a blatant 50/50 success failure rate, they're put on watch. 75% is still a danger zone. Best to stay over 90%. 100% is ideal.

Aug 8, 2023 13:09

Thanks for the claryfication - I wonder if Someone Elsewoods recruiter has the same trouble as Agent Night-1s here, since that guy doesn't even seems to know what a limit is.   And yes I am having so much fun with this little quotes ^^ - thank you therefore

Have a look at my entries for:
Worldanvils: WorldEmber Progress
Worldanvils: New Years Resolution 2025
Aug 8, 2023 13:12 by Lexi Con (WordiGirl)

funny thing is, Someone's recruiter is pretty much set for life as the majority of important people at the company think Someone is one of the best agents, despite the questionable things he does and the collateral damage he causes XD

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