Rajiv Par

(a.k.a. Raman Bhav)

Raman was born to two Indian W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P. agents stationed in their home country. From a young age, the spy life was something he was completely used to, as he knew nothing more. He was given his alias of Rajiv Par around the time he first started learning how to talk. He completely understood the meaning of code names, which was one of the first signals to his parents of just how smart he was.   His parents "gave him up" to Aakraman Karma at the age of eight, but they still had ways of keeping in touch. Rajiv would report back to them consistently, letting them know developments going on inside of the organization, all while attempting to map out the Kollege Kampus and secretly sabotage some of the company's most detrimental hacking attempts.   His likeability, charm, intelligence, savviness, and ability to lurk in the shadows helped him to stay under the radar for years. He was one of the few who knew how to escape the network of tunnels that comprised the Kollege but no one was aware of this fact, nor was he suspected of being a double agent. He found the perfect balance of displaying excellence to stand out as a cut above the rest, but keeping his head down enough as not to bring too much attention to himself.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Rajiv knew nothing more than the spy life. For the majority of his years, he was devoted to Aakraman Karma, working in harsh conditions. He personally was not bothered by this. In fact, he thought that it was amusing how long he was able to act as a mole within their Kompany and not be caught. He also had it better than many other students and employees of Aakraman, as he had several escape routes and channels for outside communication. He often met up with his parents and corresponded with other contacts at W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P. such as Constance Harbor and Sarah Shipley who were both assigned to his case.

Failures & Embarrassments

When it finally came time for him to officially escape, Constance Harbor and Sarah Shipley were sent in to retrieve him. After so many years, he had finally been found out. Now eighteen, he was disappointed because he was so used to his work, accustomed to being able to do things without getting caught. He took things quite hard, but tried not to show it outwardly.   A last minute mishap in the rescue also caused Sarah Shipley to be horribly injured. Rajiv also blamed himself for not doing more, but he did not voice it aloud.

Mental Trauma

After leaving his lifelong operation, he went back to lurking in the shadows at W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P. and did not keep in contact with Constance Harbor even though they were good friends before. This is thought to be because of the culture shock of leaving Aakraman after ten years, and the traumatic experience that Sarah endured, for which he blames himself. His current location and assignment is unknown.
Known Languages
Rajiv speaks Hindi and English fluently. He is also very well versed in code, tech speak, and hacking lingo.


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Author's Notes

Voiced in most audiodramas by Jitesh Jadwani.

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