Project Number 7133

A lost or discovered artifact of significance or power.
  This project is rumored to exist. It is supposedly a time machine that works almost perfectly. Its whereabouts are unknown. Its creator is unknown. Its details are unknown.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

It is unknown exactly how the time machine is shaped, what size it is, or even how it works. It is only suspected to be successful in whatever it was meant to accomplish.

Manufacturing process

It is said that a small group of scientists created this machine in a secret underground laboratory. W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P. supposedly got word and sent operatives to stop the construction and steal the progress.


It is known that W.I.L.L.O.W.I.S.P. attempts to halt or stunt the progress of all time traveling endeavors. Though it is claimed that this is because the organization opposes the act of meddling with time for safety reasons, many agents suspect that the company is only intending to gatekeep the production of such machinery for their own personal gains.
Time Machinery
Technology / Science | Jan 28, 2023

Work in Progress!

Commander McCox gives newbies the rundown:   They say this project is a rumor, but, I'm telling you now, IT'S REAL. VERY REAL. Don't let anybody know I confirmed it to you, though. Especially with you being a newbie and all. You'd better learn how to keep a secret, because if they find out you know too much, there are some hefty consequences.   Anyway, this time machine or whatever... people say they don't know exactly how it works or what it does, but I think it's the kind that's like a box, big enough for a person to fit inside. There are controls on the outside and buttons to press. You can bring people from the past or even the future! I think this has happened a couple of times off the record... people or animals or some insignificant objects... I don't know if anyone from our time has gotten inside though and traveled off to some other period.   REMEMBER, these are just speculations. It's not real...
Item type
Related Technologies
There is only one time machine of such status in existence. All other attempts at time travel have not been successful as this.
Base Price
This machine would be worth more than money can buy. It is known that people all over the world would pay all that they have to get their hands on this piece of technology.


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Aug 16, 2022 14:08

Suposed testindividuals were two guys, called Bill and Ted, which seem very unreliable and some strange Doctor with a screwdriver.
Rumors have it that classic cars or even locomotives can be repurposed for this... but well it turned out a box is sufficent! P.S. I like it!

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