Aakraman Kargo

Mini Cargo Planes are used to carry people and goods over far distances. They are plentious at Aakraman Karma as they make frequent trips back and forth carrying computers and other technology back and forth from location to location. Most of these items carried are stolen or purchased from the black market.   These planes are often unmarked or branded with a banner that says "Aakraman Kargo".

Power Generation

These planes are powered by fuel

Weapons & Armament

The planes themselves do not come equipped with any external weaponry, but the pilot (and any passengers) are usually armed.

Armor and defense

These planes try to stay off the radar to avoid suspicions, but they do not have any particularly fancy armor.

Communication Tools & Systems

These planes sometimes have radio systems to listen in on other planes and communication towers, but they don't usually have any outgoing conversation in fears that they would be overheard by people who suspect them.

Hangars & docked vessels

These planes are usually stored in hangars in the forest hidden away from most prying eyes. Some are even concealed underground but are brought up by ramps when it is time to fly them.

Owning Organization
It is unknown how much they cost as Aakraman Karma does not sell them. It is suspected the organization steals them or manufactures them without authorization or following safety protocols.
These planes are very plenteous.
Complement / Crew
Often, only one person is manning the plane. Occasionally, there will be a companion to help organize the cargo, but most are equipped for only one person to be seated.
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
There is usually only one pilot seat in the plane. If anyone else comes along, they will have to attempt to secure themselves somehow in the cargo area. Most planes only come with one parachute due to the fact that only one person should be flying.


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