
In the world of Spires of Faerie

Visit Spires of Faerie

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Chapter X2: Playing Politics

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After re-grouping from the conflict in the lower ring, the group decided it was best to rendezvous with Felix back in the Citadel District, as they had heard he had made a tactical retreat from the southern portion of the lower ring after the fighting concluded in the East.
They made their way to the Citadel, which among other things, was the headquarters of the Astran City Gaurd, and they were able to find Felix without too much trouble. Walking in on the middle of a war room meeting with several of his lieutenants the party was able to get his ear without too much trouble, and they filled him in on the events to the East.
The party recounted what had happened with the main forces of the attack, describing how the Prince of Frost was pressing the last defensive line before the Upper Ring when the surprise arrival of the apparent shooting star turned him back. They also told of how Claudius, Felix's chief rival was at the head of the defensive force that was opposing the Prince.
This last detail seemed to disturb Felix greatly, and he explained that the positioning of Claudius in the battle may have been more consequential than they realized.
Nevertheless, he thanked them all for their contribution to the war effort and when they expressed a desire to go after the shooting star that was last seen tracking toward the Southwest, he agreed to finance their endeavor.
With a small fortune in hand (1000PP) the party departed to the North, headed for the last intact port anywhere in the city.
On their path to the North, however, they decided to stop by Claudius' mansion to see if they could get a read on his attitude in the aftermath of the conflict.
After a lengthy waiting period in his reception area, Claudius finally granted them an audience and was fairly curt in his interactions. He expressed frustration with the group's apparent failure to dig up any dirt on his rival Felix and seemed to at least have some idea of their dealings with him, although how much he knew they could not tell.
They had learned from Felix earlier that the Lady of Spring was expected to make an appearance in one Tenday's time and that the site of this audience was to be the main square of the Upper Ring's central market district, on the doorstep of none other Claudius Elravine. Claudius made no attempt to hide his pride at that fact and invited the party to attend almost in a mocking tone.
With little to show for their interaction with the shrewd bureaucrat, the party departed, planning one final stop by their house at the Northern end of the Upper Ring before finally heading for the docks to procure a ship.

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