fruit 2 (unrelated to fruit 1)

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once under the water, all he can hear is the pounding of his heart in his ears.

killer's cachinnations are lost in the air above him, Trafalgar's demands lost as well.

he always though he'd drown in the ocean. but the only sea here is the cuff around his neck and wrist. fresh water doesn't sting when he opens his eyes, but burns all the same in his lungs.

Blackbeard has a lot of things he wants to test on the limits of devils fruits, before he forces Trafalgar to grant him immortality. like seeing if you can separate a fruit from it's user.

they're going to kill him, drown him. fruit circling the barrel he's forced face down in.

Blackbeard wants to know what happens to the fruit after it respawns, if the last own is resuscitated.

assuming the fruit does so fast enough for law to bring him back. if anyone can, it will be Trafalgar law.

honestly, Kidd's more furious they're making Killer watch this. if this does work and Kidd does somehow survive this in the end, he's going to murder Blackbeard with his own hand for putting his partner through this.


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